Web Page means a document on the Internet which may be viewed in its entirety without leaving the applicable distinct URL address.
Home Page means the Borrower’s corporate home page on the World Wide Web accessible through the Internet via the universal resource locator (URL) identified as xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx or such other universal resource locator that it shall designate in writing to the Agent as its corporate home page on the World Wide Web.
Contract Signature Page(s) means the State of Utah cover page(s) that the State Entity and Contractor sign.
Page means such page, section, caption, column or other part of a particular information service as may be specified for the purpose of providing a Relevant Rate, or such other page, section, caption, column or other part as may replace it on that information service or on such other information service, in each case as may be nominated by the person or organisation providing or sponsoring the information appearing there for the purpose of displaying rates or prices comparable to that Relevant Rate.
Cover Page means the top page of the original solicitation on which the solicitation is identified by number. Offerors are cautioned that Amendments may modify information provided on the Cover Page.
Directory means the Directory of Certified "Minority Business Enterprises" and "Women Business Enterprises" maintained and published by the City of Chicago. The Directory identifies firms that have been certified as MBEs and WBEs, and includes both the date of their last certification and the area of specialty in which they have been certified. Contractors are responsible for verifying the current certification status of all proposed MBE, and WBE firms.
Information Page means https://indices.vontobel.com.
Tier 3 Wire Centers means those Qwest Wire Centers that do not meet the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 Wire Centers.
Designated CMT Telerate Page means the display on Moneyline Telerate, or any successor service, on the page designated on the face hereof or any other page as may replace that page on that service for the purpose of displaying Treasury Constant Maturities as reported in H.15(519). If no page is specified on the face hereof, the Designated CMT Telerate Page shall be 7052, for the most recent week.
Pricing Page means the pages, contained in wvOASIS or attached as Exhibit A, upon which Vendor should list its proposed price for the Contract Items.
Title Page means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
[Signature Page means the page(s) at the end of the Plan entitled "Signature Page."
Moneyline Telerate Page 3750 The display page currently so designated on the Moneyline Telerate Information Services, Inc. (or any page replacing that page on that service for the purpose of displaying London inter-bank offered rates of major banks).
Display ’ means the display of a sign and includes the erection of any billboard, sign or structure intended solely or primarily for the support of a sign or billboard, and includes the display of a sign of a business, trade partnership or individual connected with the contents of the sign or sign, and ‘‘displayed’’ has a corresponding meaning;
Reuters Screen USPRIME1 Page means the display which appears on the display on Reuters (or any successor service) as page “USPRIME1” (or any other page as may replace such page), for the purpose of displaying prime rates or base lending rates of major United States banks.
Telephone Toll Service is as defined in the Act.
Pricing Pages means the schedule of prices, estimated order quantity, and totals contained in wvOASIS or attached hereto as Exhibit A, and used to evaluate the Solicitation responses.
Designated CMT Reuters Page means the display on Reuters, or any successor service, on the page designated on the face hereof or any other page as may replace that page on that service for the purpose of displaying Treasury Constant Maturities as reported in H.15(519). If no Reuters page is specified on the face hereof, the Designated CMT Reuters Page shall be FEDCMT, for the most recent week.
Tier 2 Wire Centers means those Qwest Wire Centers that are not Tier 1 Wire Centers, but contain at least three (3) Fiber-based Collocators, at least twenty-four thousand (24,000) Business Lines, or both. Once a Wire Center is determined to be a Tier 2 Wire Center, that Wire Center is not subject to later reclassification as a Tier 3 Wire Center.
Serving Wire Center (SWC) means a Wire Center that serves the area in which the other Party’s or a third party’s Wire Center, aggregation point, point of termination, or point of presence is located.
Telerate Page means the page designated on the Telerate Service (or such other service as may be nominated by the British Bankers' Association as the information vendor) for the purpose of displaying British Bankers' Association Interest Settlement Rates for the applicable currency.
Bloomberg Screen GCAN5YR Page means the display designated as page “GCAN5YR<INDEX>” on the Bloomberg Financial L.P. service (or such other page as may replace the GCAN5YR page on that service) for purposes of displaying Government of Canada bond yields.
Designated LIBOR Page means the display on Reuters Screen LIBOR01 Page or any successor service or any page as may replace the designated page on that service or any successor service that displays London interbank rates of major banks for U.S. dollars.
Parapet means a low wall or railing built along the edge of a roof or a floor;
Screen Page means such page, section, caption, column or other part of a particular information service (including, but not limited to, the Bloomberg agency and Reuters) as may be specified hereon for the purpose of providing the Benchmark, or such other page, section, caption, column or other part as may replace it on that information service or on such other information service, in each case as may be nominated by the person or organisation providing or sponsoring the information appearing there for the purpose of displaying rates or prices comparable to the Benchmark; and
Request for Exclusion means a Class Member’s submission of a written request to be excluded from the Class Settlement signed by the Class Member.