Dispatch facility definition
Examples of Dispatch facility in a sentence
They have talked about relocating the Dispatch facility into this building so we don’t have to pay rent any longer.
Licensee shall immediately notify the SFPUC’s Millbrae Dispatch facility by phone at (000) 000-0000 of any emergency or incident requiring emergency response.
ESF-2 will be responsible for development of written plans and procedures to ensure continued operations of the county E911 center, Central Dispatch facility and the county 800 MHz radio system.
Dispatch facility that manages resources for the Bitterroot National Forest and requests for Local Government equipment.
The Central Dispatch facility adjoins the Dumont Tower site which does not presently repeat LMR traffic.
Therefore, the county has designated the Sheriff’s Office Dispatch facility as such a location, operating continually (24 hours per day/7 days per week/365 days per year) and from which timely emergency notifications can be relayed to response agencies, leaders, and (when necessary) the public.
According to Chief Buckhannon, groundbreaking for the new Consolidated Dispatch facility in North Charleston will take place at the end of July, 2011; with a construction time of eighteen to twenty-four (18-24) months, the earliest the City would move would be the summer of 2013.
The Board will revisit the idea later in the year, but for now, meetings will be held at the State Emergency Operations Center/Joint Dispatch facility and we will look at one away meeting per year.
The total fund balance available is $3,800,000, leaving $1,170,906 for all other Justice System Capital projects of the County, including a new or renovated Courthouse, Sheriff’s Offices and a Combined Dispatch facility.
The EOC facility may also be utilized to house County 911 dispatch center, or an Emergency Medical Dispatch facility, in order to co-site critical functions.