Examples of Loading and unloading in a sentence
The cost of all materials, hire charges to Tools and plants, Labour, Corporation/Municipal Fees for water supply, Royalty or road materials (if any), Electricity and other charges of Municipalities or statutory Bodies, Ferry charges, Toll Charges, Loading and unloading charges, Handling chargers overhead charges etc.
In minimizing exposure, pay particular attention to the following areas: Loading and unloading areas: locate in roofed or covered areas where feasible; use grading, berming, or curbing around the loading area to divert run-on; locate the loading and unloading equipment and vehicles so that leaks are contained in existing containment and flow diversion systems.
Loading and unloading activities shall not interfere with traffic on any public street.
Loading and unloading of construction materials will be scheduled so as to minimize disruptions to University activities.
Loading and unloading services at piers, docks, transit sheds, steamship terminals or wharves are performed by longshoremen, stevedores, or public loaders at rates and charges on file with the Federal Maritime Commission.