Disposal Notice definition
Examples of Disposal Notice in a sentence
Waste treatment – recommendation: Any appropriate and achievable methods for the disposal of a substance in accordance with the Hazardous Substances (Disposal) Notice 2017.
Substances covered by this Group Standard must comply with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances (Disposal) Notice 2017.
The Disposal Notice shall include the number of Shares (“Offered Shares”) to be disposed.
In this clause: Disposal Notice means a written notice given to the holder of a Small Holding under clause 10.2(b); Issuer Sponsored Holding has the meaning given in the ASX Settlement Operating Rules; Marketable Parcel has the meaning given in the Listing Rules; and Small Holding means a parcel of Shares that is less than a Marketable Parcel.
The Company will have the first option to purchase all or part of the Offered Shares at the closing price of the Offered Shares on the date of the Disposal Notice, provided that the Company shall exercise its right to purchase within 5 Business Days from the date of receipt of the Disposal Notice.