Rectification Notice means a notice in writing that identifies a defect in a work and requires rectification of the defect within a specified period of time.
Rectification Notice means a notice in writing:
Rectification Notice means a written notice delivered by TCHC to a Proponent requesting that it clarify and/or rectify any aspect of its Proposal. Failure to rectify a Proposal according to the Rectification Notice within the Rectification Period will result in disqualification.
Examples of Rectification Notice in a sentence
The Developer, at its own cost, is to comply with a Rectification Notice according to its terms and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council.
The Council may give the Developer a Rectification Notice during the Defects Liability Period.
The Council is to do such things as are reasonably necessary to enable the Developer to comply with a Rectification Notice that has been given to it under clause 22.1 No later than 60 days after Work is completed for the purposes of this Deed, the Developer is to submit to the Council a full works-as-executed-plan in respect of the Work.
More Definitions of Rectification Notice
Rectification Notice means a written notice delivered by TCHC to a Proponent requesting that it clarify and/or rectify any aspect of its Proposal.
Rectification Notice means a notice to the Authority by a party that has breached a prescribed provision that the breach was rectified within thirty days after the party received the breach notice;
Rectification Notice has the meaning given in Clause 1.7 of this Schedule 7;
Rectification Notice means the rectification notice referred to in clause 6.11(a). Rectification Work means the rectification of Defects as referred to in clause 6.11(a). Related Body Corporate has the meaning defined in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Rectification Notice has the meaning given to it in paragraph 13.1.6 (Rectification);
Rectification Notice means a notice issued by the Board, requiring a person or Advertiser, as the case may be, to rectify any violation of these By-Laws or of the terms and conditions of a License, in the manner and within the period as shall be specified in such notice.