Dissolved oxygen definition
Examples of Dissolved oxygen in a sentence
Cu. M/day or M3/day Cubic meters per day DO Dissolved oxygen kg/dayKilograms per daylbs/dayPounds per daymg/LMilligram(s) per litermL/LMilliliters per literMGDMillion gallons per dayNitrogen Total NTotal nitrogenNH3-NAmmonia nitrogen as nitrogenNO3-NNitrate as nitrogenNO2-NNitrite as nitrogenNO3-NO2Combined nitrate and nitrite nitrogen as nitrogenTKNTotal Kjeldahl nitrogen as nitrogenOil & GreaseFreon extractable materialPCBPolychlorinated biphenylSurfactantSurface-active agentTemp.
Dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature are also measured at 24 and 48 hour intervals in all dilutions.
Dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, temperature, and the concentration of test substance in test chambers are measured at speci- fied intervals.
Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall be maintained at a daily average of not less than 5.0 mg/l with an instantaneous minimum of not less than 4.0 mg/l.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the measure of the amount of DO in water.