District justice definition

District justice means such court as the court of common pleas shall direct in counties not having district justices.
District justice means such court as the court of
District justice means justices of the peace elected or

Examples of District justice in a sentence

  • District justice, magistrate or any other court having jurisdiction over landlord and tenant matters, excluding a court of common pleas.

  • The case file transferred to the reformatory must be reviewed by the District justice organ on legal aspects for ensuring that documents are sufficient and that the subject, statute of limitations, authority, order, and procedure of case file preparation are in strict conformity with the law.

  • JGA will work with other District justice agencies, including member agencies of the JJAG to determine opportunities to pursue alternatives to arrest or prosecution through expanded diversion programs and other restorative justice approaches.

  • It is the goal of the Office of Justice Programs that every District justice agency employs Global JXDM to lay the foundation for local, state, and national justice interoperability.

  • He believes residents and members need to be treated right and it wouldn’t be doing the citizens of the District justice to let someone play golf at a lower rate for a month and not extend the free membership when they decide to purchase a home in the District.

More Definitions of District justice

District justice means a justice of the District Court, but does not include a temporary district justice;
District justice means a justice of the District Court;
District justice means a justice of the peace elected or
District justice means the district justice before w hom the action or proceeding is pending.

Related to District justice

  • District board means the board of directors of the district.

  • District shall hereafter refer to districts that have signed the Agreement for the 2022-23 Program year and agree to be financially responsible as a Cooperative member for the Program costs.

  • Justice means a justice of the peace;

  • United States means the United States of America.

  • sitting means, in relation to a House, a period during which that House is sitting continuously without adjournment, and includes any period during which the House is in committee;

  • District superintendent means a person who holds a valid class 3 Montana teacher certificate