Examples of DISTRICT PROCEDURE in a sentence

  • DISTRICT PROCEDURE Transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students shall be provided the same opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities as all other students.

  • BEGINNING 2014-2015 VACATION LEAVE SHALL BE ACCRUED ACCORDING TO THE FREQUENCY ESTABLISHED IN DISTRICT PROCEDURE BELOW: TERM DAYS 1-5 YEARS 10 6-15 YEARS 15 16+ YEARS 20 C Employees will accrue vacation at the rate of ten (10) days annually during the first, second, and third years of service.

  • MOVED THAT THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE PATHWAYS INCENTIVE AS REQUIRED BY DISTRICT PROCEDURE 11 AS PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE BE APPROVED MOVED: Wendy Wickliffe, Programme Quality Director SECONDED: Sharon Kerr-Phillips, Immediate Past District Director CARRIED There was no opposition to the motion.

  • Reimbursement for travel expenses must be approved by the officer who authorized the travel when the total exceeds the TRAVEL 4.10110 DP DISTRICT PROCEDURE amount of the approved authorization for travel by $100.

  • Attachment A SAMPLE DISTRICT PROCEDURE (Pages 5 through 7, following) ADMINISTRATION cedure No. XXXX Pro HAZCOM - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLING AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURE Acquisition The Superintendent, or designee, shall approve all purchases and acquisitions of hazardous materials by the District.

  • Attachment A SAMPLE DISTRICT PROCEDURE (Pages 5 through 7, following) ADMINISTRATIONProcedure HAZCOM - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLING AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURE Acquisition The Superintendent, or designee, shall approve all purchases and acquisitions of hazardous materials by the District.


  • DISTRICT PROCEDURE FOR PARAMEDIC TRAINING(EMS Regulations Section 200.400 & 200.410) DEFINITION: A program of training in procedures and skills for Emergency Medical Care as prepared and authorized by NHTSA of the United States DOT as a national standard for certification as a Paramedic pursuant to NRS 450B.195.



  • District Engineer means the District Engineer of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and Sacramento Area Sewer District, or his designee.

  • district municipality means a municipality that has municipal executive and legislative authority in an area that includes more than one municipality, and which is described in section 155 (1) of the Constitution as a category C municipality;

  • District Property means all property owned by the District including, but not limited to, the Amenity Center, common areas, parking lots and ponds.

  • District Council means a district council within the meaning of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972(7);

  • District superintendent means a person who holds a valid class 3 Montana teacher certificate

  • District Data means information, including, but not limited to, Personally Identifiable Information, business, administrative and financial information, intellectual property information, and other information that is not intentionally made generally available by the District on public websites or publications, that is provided to Vendor by or at the direction of District in the course of Vendor’s performance under this Agreement. “District Data” includes metadata and data derived from the use of District Data and metadata.

  • district heating or ‘district cooling’ means the distribution of thermal energy in the form of steam, hot water or chilled liquids, from a central source of production through a network to multiple buildings or sites, for the use of space or process heating or cooling;

  • District attorney means any of the following:

  • District Manager means the District Manager of the appropriate local district office of the Ministry, where the

  • District specification means the specifications followed by the State Govt. in the area where the work is to be executed.

  • District coordinator means the state police emergency management division district coordinator.

  • District and high school graduation report means a report of the number of pupils, excluding adult education participants, in the district for the immediately preceding school year, adjusted for those pupils who have transferred into or out of the district or high school, who leave high school with a diploma or other credential of equal status.

  • District board means the board of directors of the district.

  • District Specifications means the specifications followed by the State Government in the area where the work is to be executed.

  • Aviation district means all areas within the boundaries of the

  • District Court means the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.

  • District shall hereafter refer to districts that have signed the Agreement for the 2022-23 Program year and agree to be financially responsible as a Cooperative member for the Program costs.

  • Health district means a city or general health district created by or under the authority of Chapter 3709. of the Revised Code.

  • District and high school graduation rate means the annual completion and pupil dropout rate that is calculated by the center pursuant to nationally recognized standards.

  • Civil union means a civil union established pursuant to Act 91 of the 2000 Vermont Legislative Session, entitled “Act Relating to Civil Unions”.

  • Procedure means one or more surgical procedures or medical therapy performed in a Center of Excellence.

  • District Committees means the District Public Works Integrating Committees and the Executive Committees created pursuant to Section 164.04 of the Revised Code, and District Subcommittees created pursuant to Section 164.06 of the Revised Code.

  • District Office means District Office of the Division of Drinking Water of the State Water Board.

  • Complaints Procedure means the School's procedure for handling complaints from parents, as amended from time to time for legal or other substantive reasons, or in order to assist the proper administration of the School. It does not form part of the contract between you and the School. A copy of the most up-to-date procedure is on the School's website and is otherwise available from the School at any time upon request;

  • Civil penalty means the payment Licensee has agreed to pay to the United States Treasury;

  • Urban district means the territory contiguous to and including any street or highway which is built up with structures devoted to business, industry, or dwelling houses situated at intervals of less than one hundred feet for a distance of a quarter of a mile or more, and the character of such territory is indicated by official traffic control devices.