Division administrator definition

Division administrator means the administrator of the division of mental health and disability services within the department.
Division administrator means the administrator of the division of forestry in the department of natural resources or a designee.
Division administrator means the administrator of the commission’s division responsible for energy regulation.

Examples of Division administrator in a sentence

  • Questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Clinical Services Division administrator.

  • The unit member may be accompanied by a representative while reviewing the records, which will be done in the presence of the administrator responsible for safeguarding these files, if maintained at the work location, or a Human Resource Services Division administrator, if maintained at the Education Center.

  • If the Wage and Hour Division administrator determines that a different practice prevails for the applicable apprentice classification, fringe benefits shall be paid in accordance with that determination.

  • The Wage and Hour Division administrator will determine if there is an apprenticeship program associated with the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the wage determination which provides for less than full fringe benefits for apprentices.

  • The Division administrator has authority under NRS 422.2356 to establish policies and exceptions to policy for administration of the programs under Medicaid.

More Definitions of Division administrator

Division administrator means the chief Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) official assigned to conduct FHWA business in a particular State. DOT means the U.S. Department of Transportation, including FHWA. Federal-Aid Contract is any contract between the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and a contractor that is paid for in whole or in part with DOT assistance. Journeyman means a person who is capable of performing all the duties within a given job classification or craft. Minorities mean the following categories for reporting data on race and ethnicity: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
Division administrator means the administrator of the division of financial, health and work supports of the department, or the administrator’s designee.
Division administrator means the administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Disability Services as defined in Iowa Code sections 225C.3 and .4.
Division administrator means the administrator of the division of mental health and disability services as assigned by the Director in Iowa Code section 218.3(1).
Division administrator means the administrator of the division of mental health and develop- mental disabilities of the department.
Division administrator means a division head whose position is authorized under s. 230.08 (2) (e) 2., Stats. “Division administrator” includes an acting division administrator appointed by the secretary, or a person designated by a division administrator to act on the administrator’s behalf in the adminis- trator’s absence.
Division administrator means the person designated by the director as the administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Disability Services.