DNA analysis definition
DNA analysis means a laboratory analysis of a DNA specimen to identify DNA characteristics and to create a DNA record.
DNA analysis means an analysis of the bodily substance and the comparison of the results of that analysis with the results of the analysis
DNA analysis means analysis of the deoxyribonucleic acid identifi- cation information in an intimate sample, a non-intimate sample or 15 any other bodily substance;
Examples of DNA analysis in a sentence
Blood Typing or DNA analysis for paternity testing is not covered.
Blood Typing or DNA analysis for paternity testing is not covered.11.
Furthermore, annex 3 bis below sets out a comparative overview of DNA analysis files to which Member States give each other access for the investigation of criminal offences.
Direct diagnosis by DNA analysis of the fragile X syndrome of mental retardation.
Funds may also be used to pay overtime for existing laboratory employees to directly perform capacity enhancement-specific activities such as validating new DNA analysis technologies for the forensic DNA or DNA database laboratory.
More Definitions of DNA analysis
DNA analysis means the analysis of genetic material performed by a tester;
DNA analysis means the isolation of autosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to develop DNA profiles that are eligible for entry into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS); DNA samples taken from evidence containing DNA from a known individual or of unknown origin; the determination of the DNA test results; and entry of resulting DNA profiles into CODIS.
DNA analysis means the process through which deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in a human biological specimen is analyzed and compared with DNA from another human biological specimen for identification purposes.
DNA analysis means a laboratory analysis of a DNA specimen to identify DNA
DNA analysis means the isolation of autosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to develop DNA profiles that are eligible for entry into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS); DNA samples taken from evidence containing DNA from a known individual or
DNA analysis means the scientific test of a DNA sample for the