Examples of Donor agency in a sentence
The Procuring Agency has arranged funds from its own sources or Federal/ Provincial /Donor agency or any other source, which may be indicated accordingly in bidding data towards the cost of the project/scheme.
Donor agency representatives are invited to US CTI Support Program planning workshops to share information.
Donor agency operating units still often develop country program results frameworks and related monitoring systems in relative isolation and from their own agency's perspectives.
These actions will require a whole of Government approach that will encourage ownership, choice and change by each of the communities across the country.The indicators and targets identify the high level outcomes the department intends to achieve and is closely linked with the Tokelau Health Strategic Plan (2009 - 2010) and Donor agency strategic funded outcomes.
Donor agency % fee received in subsidies (estimated) % fee received in subsidies (estimated)4.
Donor agency staff (OFDA, DFID, CIDA), analysts (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and NGO policy staff) and headquarters staff strongly endorsed the enduring relevance of the RAS pointing to its value as a reference resource to complement their own agency analysis and spoke of the value of the hyperlinks provided to source material used in the document.
Donor agency contacts began in 1980 with visits by Dr. P.A. Huxley to the United Nations Development Programme and the Rockefeller Foundation, New York; and in the United Kingdom, to the Overseas Development Administration, London.
To maintain a ledger of the abstract of accounts of all the JFMC within the Division, make field enquiries if any and to submit their consolidated account report to the Conservator or Forests/Appropriate authority /Donor agency.
Donor agency inputs were solicited during the fieldwork, both for the scoring of the donor indicators (D-1 to 3) and for their perceptions on financial management performance over the past four years, and possible future directions.
F.5. Donor agency coordination In order to maximize the impact of the project in Lao PDR, coordination with other development partners will be key.