Social Welfare Sample Clauses

Social Welfare. Flood Control schemes for protection of villages (not of highly technical nature)
Social Welfare. The Group’s European subsidiaries commit to offering their employees a social welfare benefit package. The subsidiaries strive to offer provident schemes, in particular to cover the consequences of an employee’s death for all causes and permanent disability. The subsidiaries shall subscribe and contribute to schemes allowing all payroll employees on a permanent contract and with at least one year’s seniority upon death to provide beneficiaries with a benefit equivalent to at least one year of the employee’s fix annual salary.
Social Welfare. 11. Both the Employer and the Employee shall pay for all mandatory social security programs including but not limited to pension plans, unemployment and illness benefit plans, disability benefit plans and other social insurance. 12. The Employer shall apply and handle all procedures for social security programs for the Employee. Upon termination or expiration of the Contract, such social security benefits shall be transferred according to applicable regulations. 13. In the event that the Employee fails to transfer his previous social security programs to the authority designated by the Employer within the stipulated period, all delay, default and suspension in payment of the social security benefits caused by such failure and the consequences arising out of the forgoing circumstances shall be born solely by the Employee. 14. In the event that the Employee is ill or injured by non-job related causes, the Employee shall receive the compensation, disease treatment and medical allowance in accordance with applicable regulations by the Government. 15. The Employer shall provide the Employee with the following welfare benefits according to its insurance and welfare system for its employees: social security insurance, commercial insurance, salary based on the length of service, meal expenses, accommodation, annual physical checkup, paid leave, allowances for seasons, birthday gifts, wedding favors, death solatium for immediate family members, labor protection supplies, reward for full attendance, system training, free shuttle service, regular sports and activities, and annual dinner, etc.
Social Welfare. 60. The partners hereby unanimously agree that the provision of social security for oneself and his own family shall be a responsibility of each individual; however this could not apply to a certain part of the population who are deprived of such possibility for objective reasons. In democratic societies, such as the Slovene, the care for such individuals and their families shall be the responsibility of the state, which shall prepare special programmes and earmark a certain amount of public funds for this purpose. The partners hereby agree that an active social policy should be the right approach to resolving these problems. With this in mind we shall strive to carry out the adopted policy orientations and implement the agreed social policy, directed towards the promotion and support of the needy, so that they should get actively involved in the preservation and improvement of their own welfare. 61. Tasks of the partners: a) The Government shall: − ensure the application of the programme of struggle against poverty and social exclusion, adopted in 2000, and evaluate its implementation, − support the programmes to reduce the risk related to the threat of social exclusion, and increase the volume, quality and individualisation of services in the social security area. It shall enable a greater involvement of private sector potentials in the implementation of public service activities in the wider realm of social security, − create policy, programmes and measures to ensure and promote the combining of professional and family obligations of women and men as well as a more even distribution of care, welfare and rearing of children between both parents. b) The employers shall: encourage their members to carry out such business and personnel policies as to ensure the lowest possible rate of unemployment and encourage them to create such working conditions that would not cause social distress to their employees due to conditions at their workplaces, as well as to organise and revive relevant services that would offer support and assistance to employees encountering problems arising from difficult situations in companies (threats of lay-off, redundancies, etc.). c) The trade unions shall: encourage their organisations, bodies and representatives to create and propose measures for resolving social problems at the company and institutional level and train them for counselling, assisting and supporting employees in finding solutions to their problems, arising from the...
Social Welfare. Throughout the Placement, the Trainee continues to benefit from student status under French Sécurité Sociale coverage, regardless of any other conditions acquired during the Placement. For Placements undertaken by nationals of the European Economic Community in the European Economic Area, Trainees should be in possession of a valid European Health Insurance Card. For Placements undertaken in Quebec by French nationals, Trainees must be in possession of form SE401Q 104. The Company must immediately notify the School within 24 hours if the Trainee suffers an accident in the workplace during the Placement. The Company should provide full insurance coverage for the Trainee if he/she is required to undertake assignments outside the perimeter of the place of work or in another country.
Social Welfare. Multiagent systems are sometimes referred to as “societies of agents” and the aggregation of individual preferences in a MARA system can often be modelled using the notion of social welfare as studied in Welfare Economics and Social Choice theory. Examples include utilitarian social welfare, where the aim is to maximise the sum of individual utilities, and , where the aim is to maximise the individual welfare of the agent that is currently worst off. If a distributed resource allocation procedure is used, then the term “multiagent” indicates that the computational burden of finding an allocation is shared amongst several agents.

Related to Social Welfare

  • HEALTH & WELFARE 16:1 The parties signatory hereto shall enter into a Health and Welfare Plan for which there is a Trust Agreement, known as the Line Construction Benefit Fund, for the purpose of providing insurance benefits for eligible employees and/or their dependents. Effective the first of the month following the signature date of this Agreement, the Employer shall pay to the Line Construction Benefit Fund the sum of $6.50 for each hour worked. Hours worked shall be deemed to include straight-time hours worked, overtime hours worked, and report time not worked. Remittance shall be forwarded to the place designated by the parties hereto on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month for each hour worked in weekly payroll periods ending during the preceding month, together with a monthly payroll report on a form to be furnished to the Employer. It is understood and intended by the parties to this Agreement that the purpose of this clause is to establish an Employer financed Health and Welfare Trust and that contributions thereto shall not be deemed to be wages to which any employee shall have any right other than the right to have such contributions paid over to the Trust fund in accordance herewith. Failure of an individual Employer to make all payments provided for, including liquidated damages for late payments, within the time specified, shall be a breach of this Agreement and will further require action by the Trustees as set forth in the Trust Agreement. Any increase in the required contributions set forth above will be paid equally (50% by the Employer and 50% by the Employee). The amount paid by the Employee will come from their NEAP contribution. 16:2 HRA: Effective the first of the month following the signature date of this Agreement, the Employer also agrees to pay into the Line Construction Benefit Fund $1.00 per hour through the term of this Agreement. HRA is calculated on all hours worked for all working classifications covered by this Agreement. These contributions shall be used to provide Health Reimbursements Accounts(s) under the Line Construction Benefit Fund Plan of Benefits.

  • Social Security (check one)‌

  • HEALTH AND WELFARE 36.01 Health and welfare benefits shall be as contained in Appendix "A" of this Agreement and shall form part of this Agreement.

  • Health & Welfare Benefits Executive shall be eligible to participate in all health and welfare benefits provided generally to other employees of the Company.

  • Health and Welfare Benefits applies to full-time nurses only)

  • Social Responsibility the Contracted Party is responsible for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment through an ethical and transparent behavior that (i) contributes to sustainable development, including the health and well-being of society, and takes into account the stakeholders’ expectations; (ii) is in compliance with the Best Practices of the Oil Industry; and (iii) is integrated into the Contracted Party and applied in its relationships related to the Contracted Party’s activities within its sphere of influence.

  • HEALTH AND WELFARE PLAN 9.01 The Employer shall make available the following or similar benefits as mutually agreed between the Employer and the Union to eligible regular full-time employees (as defined below). The cost of the benefits under Sections 9.07, 9.08, 9.09, 9.10, 9.11, 9.12 and 9.13 below shall be paid one hundred percent (100%) by the Employer. An eligible full-time employee shall be one who has three (3) consecutive months current employment at the effective date of the Plan. Benefits for full-time employees who are laid off will be maintained by the Employer for one half (½) of the employee's recall period as specified in Section 14.04 on the following basis: - B.C. Medical Services Plan (M.S.P.) - Group Life Insurance - Hearing aid, eyeglasses and prescription drug coverage A regular full-time employee who does not have three (3) months' current consecutive full-time service at the effective date of the Plan, or a new employee, shall be eligible the day following the date their current consecutive full-time service reaches three (3) months. 9.02 A regular full-time employee reduced to part-time shall continue to be eligible to participate in the Plan. Full-time employees reducing to below thirty-two (32) hours per week shall receive proportionate Weekly Indemnity benefits. Employees shall return completed enrollment forms as soon as possible. The Employer will only offer benefits after first eligibility test is met. If refused at that time by the employee, further testing is not required. If an employee later wants coverage, it is his or her responsibility to make application to the Employer. If he or she is eligible for coverage, the same rules regarding late enrollment as apply to full- time staff may be imposed. 9.03 The Employer shall also make available the benefits to employees (except students) who work an average of thirty-two (32) hours per week for a period of three (3) consecutive months. Such employees shall receive the same benefits as set out for full-time employees in this Section of the Agreement. 9.04 For the purposes of entitlement and disentitlement, the conditions set out below will apply: A. Employees who average thirty-two (32) hours per week for a three (3) month period will be eligible for all benefits under Section 9 on the first of the month following meeting this requirement. Eligibility verifications will be done each month ending on the last Saturday of the month on a 4, 4, 5 basis, i.e.: if an employee had averaged thirty-two (32) hours per week in the three (3) months prior to April 25, he/she would become eligible for the benefit package on May 1. B. If an employee fails to meet the eligibility test, he/she will continue to be eligible for three (3) months. At that time he/she will be tested again and, if eligible, will continue receiving benefits. If not eligible, will cease receiving benefits. Thereafter at the end of each month, the employee's eligibility will be tested and, as soon as he/she becomes eligible again, benefits will be reinstated. 9.05 The Employer shall also make available: - Medical Services Plan (M.S.P.) - Extended Health Benefit (E.H.B.) - Hearing Aid, Eyeglass, Prescription Drug Plan (H.E.P.) to employees (except students) who work an average of twenty-four (24) hours per week for a period of three (3) consecutive months. For the purposes of entitlement and disentitlement, the hours' tests set out above will apply, but will be based on twenty-four (24) hours instead of thirty-two (32) hours per week. New employees who are covered by the B.C. Medical Services Plan at the date of their employment can elect to maintain their continuity of coverage to be paid as defined above. 9.06 Enrollment of group benefits shall be compulsory at the option of the Employer. The Employer, at his option, may require all enrollment cards to be signed within three (3) months from the date that regular full-time employment commenced. If, under exceptional circumstances, an employee does not sign an enrollment card within three (3) months of employment, he or she may be allowed a further month of grace at the option of the Employer. A period of grace longer than one (1) month may be allowed by the Employer; but, in such cases, a medical examination at the employee's own expense shall be compulsory and a three (3) month penalty period may be imposed.

  • Health and Welfare Plans (a) A copy of the master contracts with the carriers for the extended health care, dental and group life plans shall be sent to the President of the Union. (b) The Employer will consult the Union before developing any pamphlet explaining the highlights of the plans for distribution to employees. The cost of such a pamphlet shall be borne by the Employer.

  • Unemployment The Board, under the Kansas Employment Law, shall provide unemployment compensation for all eligible employees.

  • Retiree Health Insurance Retired members of the Department receiving, or to receive City of Lincoln monthly pension checks, may participate in the group comprehensive health care plan for active City employees, provided that each retiree so desiring will execute the required forms in a timely fashion, and further provided that each retiree will be required to pay the full monthly cost at the current rates subject to any rate increases which may occur from time to time. Such payment will be made by payroll deduction from pension checks, or by direct payment in the case of an early retiree.