Examples of Dredge material disposal in a sentence
Dredge material disposal on land away from the shoreline is generally preferred over open water disposal.
Dredge material disposal is the depositing of dredged materials on land or into water bodies for the purpose of either creating new or additional lands for other uses or disposing of the by- products of dredging.
Dredge material disposal is prohibited on lake shorelines or beds, and in streams; except that, dredge spoil may be used in approved projects for the restoration or enhancement of shoreline ecological functions and processes.
Dredge material disposal and fill may occur on the upland site near the water body.
Dredge material disposal is the depositing of dredged materials on land or into water bodies for the purpose of either creating new or additional lands for other uses or disposing of the by-products of dredging.
Other recreational uses or activities require a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit.[6] Dredge material disposal only allowed by Shoreline Conditional Use Permit for environmental restoration purposes.
Dredge material disposal should not be permitted in waterbodies, on shorelands or wetlands, except as part of a permitted shoreline restoration or habitat improvement project.
Dredge material disposal refers to the final deposition of dredging by-products on land or in waterbodies.
Dredge material disposal should be prohibited in shoreline jurisdiction, except where dredge material would benefit shoreline resources.
P205 Dredge material disposal in waterbodies should be discouraged, except when it is intended to improve habitat.