DROP Election definition
Examples of DROP Election in a sentence
A Participant who makes a DROP Election shall have a period of seven (7) calendar days to revoke the DROP Election.
If the DROP Election is in effect at the close of regular business hours on the seventh calendar day after the date on which the Participant signs the DROP Election, the DROP Election (including, without limitation, the DROP Effective Date and the commitment to terminate employment and retire on the date specified) shall thereupon become irrevocable.
Except as specifically provided in Section 4.06(i), a Participant who makes a DROP Election shall be treated as if he or she terminated employment as of the DROP Election Date.
The DROP Election is not a commitment to remain employed for a period of up to three years or a guarantee of continued employment.
In order for the DROP Election to be effective, the eligible Participant must complete and execute an election and release on a form supplied by the Board of Trustees, and such election and release must be valid and binding on the Participant in accordance with its terms.
The DROP Election Form shall include an irrevocable notice to the Township of South Fayette by the Member, that the Member shall terminate from employment with the South Fayette Township Police Department effective on a specific date three (3) years from the effective date of the DROP election.
For Compensation Base purposes, a Member who has made an effective DROP Election shall have his or her Compensation Base determined by using the Member’s Earnings before the effective date of the DROP Election.
In order for the DROP Election to be effective, the eligible Participant must complete and execute an election and release on a form supplied by the Administrator, and such election and release must be valid and binding on the Participant in accordance with its terms.
Such forms must be submitted to the Pension Administrator at least 45 days prior to the date upon which the Board will meet to consider the written DROP Election.
A DROP Election using the form provided by the Benefits Office must be filed with the Benefits Office at least sixty (60) days prior to the proposed DROP Effective Date.