Dry weather flow definition

Dry weather flow means the combination of domestic sewage, groundwater infiltration, commercial and industrial wastewaters, and any other non-precipitation related flows.
Dry weather flow means flow in a sanitary sewer or combined sewer system during periods of dry weather.
Dry weather flow means flow in a CSS during periods of dry weather.

Examples of Dry weather flow in a sentence

  • Dry weather flow is a common indicator of potential illicit connections.

  • Dry weather flow is the flow in a combined sewer that results from domestic sewage, groundwater infiltration and industrial wastes with no contribution from storm water runoff or storm water induced infiltration.

  • Data collected will be used to inform the updated model calibration and I&I analyses.Receivables:▪ Requested information as detailed in Task 2.1 and forthcoming information request table.▪ Dry weather flow monitoring data at current City meter locations and pump stations.

  • Residential Flow Dry weather flow Pipeline flows must be based on allowing 2.9 persons per residential unit for the fully developed subdivision, subject to a minimum of 26 persons per hectare.

  • Dry weather flow varies during the day with a major peak typically occurring in the early morning.

  • Dry weather flow was sampled at one outfall discharging to Captain Pond.

  • Dry weather flow is a local phenomenon that is typically linked to tailwater discharge from agricultural irrigation.

  • A subsequent report, Dry weather flow in sewers, (CIRIA, 1998), presented an analysis of long term dry weather flow data from 95 sites in England and Wales.

  • Dry weather flow conditions shall mean the flow in a combined sewer that results from sanitary sewage, industrial wastewater and infiltration/inflow; with no contribution from stormwater runoff or stormwater induced infiltration.

  • Dry weather flow monitoring is typically performed for at least two full weeks and usually includes three weekends.

More Definitions of Dry weather flow

Dry weather flow means wastewater flow during periods of little or no rainfall. Rates of flow exhibit hourly, daily and seasonal variations. A certain amount of infiltration may also be present.
Dry weather flow means a flow that is present within the storm system in absence of a precipitation event.
Dry weather flow flow s shall mean sew age flow s experienced during a period of dry w eather
Dry weather flow means flow within the Regional Collection System during periods when there is no direct or immediate precipitation, snow melt or flood condition influence upon the Regional Collection System.
Dry weather flow means the average daily flow over any period of 12 months at a particular location in a sewerage system excluding flow arising as a result of rainfall calculated in accordance with the methodology set out in Part 11C of the Schedule;
Dry weather flow or "DWF" means the conditions when the Influent Flow rate through Complete Treatment is less than a rate of 511 MGD.

Related to Dry weather flow

  • Inclement Weather means any weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier.