Flow rate definition
Examples of Flow rate in a sentence
The following analyses shall be performed on any water encountered: Flow rate (or blowtest)TemperaturepHTDSDissolved IronDissolved MagnesiumDissolved Bicarb.Dissolved SulfateDissolved CalciumDissolved SodiumDissolved CarbonateDissolved Chloride All depths through the “Base of moderately saline ground water”*, along with any water encountered below that depth which is less than 10,000 TDS, shall be protected by the surface casing or by lifting the cement of the production casing into the surface casing.
Following this test, the pressure relief device shall comply the requirements of Leak test (Annex 4, paragraph 1.8.), Flow rate test (Annex 4, paragraph 1.10.) and Bench top activation test (Annex 4 paragraph 1.9.).
Flow rate at enclosure opening shall be measured twice annually to the nearest 5 fpm.
Increase delivery flow rate.• Flow rate above recommended maximum.
Replace Flow Control Valve.• Flow rate below the recommended minimum.