Examples of Precipitation event in a sentence
Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, or hail in a limited period of time.
Precipitation event duration (hours) and volume (mm) from the CATIEmeteorological station 32 Figure 4a.
The National Weather Service has published data for estimating hypothetical storms ranging from the frequency-based storm to the Probable Maximum Precipitation event.
PRECIPITATION EVENTS • At least 1 mm in 24 hours• At least 5mm in 24 hours• At least 10mm in 24 hours• At least 20 mm in 24 hours Precipitation event products are available for the following time steps ranges 24,12-36,24-48,36-60,48-72,60- 84,72-96,84-108,96-120,108-132,120-144,132-156,144-168,156-180,168-192,180-204,192-216,204-228,216-240,228-252,240-264,252-276,264-288,276-300,288-312,300-324,312-336,324-348 and 336-360 hours.
Available volume provided by the lagoon freeboard of three (3) feet is sufficient to contain the precipitation of a 24-hour 100-year storm (5 inches) or a PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event (approximately 34 inches) without overtopping the lagoon.
In response to a question from Chairman Eichenberg about the Mussetter study, Mr. Bingham stated that the Mussetter study had developed a wide prudent line within which development was unwise, but did not discuss flood control structures, water quality, or the Probable Maximum Precipitation event, which are needed due to the dam.
In accordance with ARSD 74:29:07:09(6), the diversions around the Central Processing Plant, Satellite Facility and associated radium settling ponds and central plant pond have been designed for the 6-hour Probable Maximum Precipitation event.
Available volume provided by the lagoon freeboard of three(3) feet is sufficient to contain the precipitation of a 24-hour 100-year storm (5 inches) or a PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event (approximately 34 inches) without overtopping the lagoon.3.1.2. Stability AnalysesAs mentioned above, no geotechnical records of design or as-built slope stability analyses were provided in the records made available by First Energy.
Precipitation event lengths of 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-days were tested.
For the Probable Maximum Precipitation event, Hydrometeorological Report HMR-51 (Ref 16) will be used.