Precipitation event definition

Precipitation event means a rainfall, snow melt, or ice melt which causes a discharge or an increase in the volume of a discharge.
Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, or hail in a limited period of time. It may be expressed in terms of recurrence interval. "Precipitation event" also includes that quantity of water coming from snow cover as snow melt in a limited period of time.
Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, or hail in a limited period of time. It may be expressed in terms of recurrence interval and duration.

Examples of Precipitation event in a sentence

  • Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, or hail in a limited period of time.

  • Precipitation event duration (hours) and volume (mm) from the CATIEmeteorological station 32 Figure 4a.

  • The National Weather Service has published data for estimating hypothetical storms ranging from the frequency-based storm to the Probable Maximum Precipitation event.

  • PRECIPITATION EVENTS • At least 1 mm in 24 hours• At least 5mm in 24 hours• At least 10mm in 24 hours• At least 20 mm in 24 hours Precipitation event products are available for the following time steps ranges 24,12-36,24-48,36-60,48-72,60- 84,72-96,84-108,96-120,108-132,120-144,132-156,144-168,156-180,168-192,180-204,192-216,204-228,216-240,228-252,240-264,252-276,264-288,276-300,288-312,300-324,312-336,324-348 and 336-360 hours.

  • Available volume provided by the lagoon freeboard of three (3) feet is sufficient to contain the precipitation of a 24-hour 100-year storm (5 inches) or a PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event (approximately 34 inches) without overtopping the lagoon.

  • In response to a question from Chairman Eichenberg about the Mussetter study, Mr. Bingham stated that the Mussetter study had developed a wide prudent line within which development was unwise, but did not discuss flood control structures, water quality, or the Probable Maximum Precipitation event, which are needed due to the dam.

  • In accordance with ARSD 74:29:07:09(6), the diversions around the Central Processing Plant, Satellite Facility and associated radium settling ponds and central plant pond have been designed for the 6-hour Probable Maximum Precipitation event.

  • Available volume provided by the lagoon freeboard of three(3) feet is sufficient to contain the precipitation of a 24-hour 100-year storm (5 inches) or a PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event (approximately 34 inches) without overtopping the lagoon.3.1.2. Stability AnalysesAs mentioned above, no geotechnical records of design or as-built slope stability analyses were provided in the records made available by First Energy.

  • Precipitation event lengths of 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-days were tested.

  • For the Probable Maximum Precipitation event, Hydrometeorological Report HMR-51 (Ref 16) will be used.

More Definitions of Precipitation event

Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snowmelt, sleet, or hail in a specified period of time.
Precipitation event means continuous precipitation which results in a total measured precipitation equal to or greater than one-tenth of an inch.
Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, hail, or water emanating from snow cover as snowmelt in a set or specified period of time;
Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, or hail in a limited period of time. It may be expressed in terms of recurrence interval and duration. LQD Coal R&R Chapter 1, Section 2.(bo) and LQD Non-Coal R&R Chapter 1, Section 2.(ar).
Precipitation event means a quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet, or hail in a limited period of time. It may be expressed in terms of recurrence interval.[ As used in 19.8 NMAC Parts 1-34, a precipitation event also includes that quantity of water emanating from snow cover as snowmelt in a limited period of time]. As used in 19.8 NMAC Parts 1-35, a precipitation event also includes that quantity of water emanating from snow cover as snowmelt in a limited period of time.
Precipitation event means an event with a specified frequency of return and specified period of duration as defined in "Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the Western United States," vol. IV-New Mexico.

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