Dth definition
Examples of Dth in a sentence
Rates Per Dth Used Each MonthDth = decatherm = 10 therms = 1,000,000 BtuSummer Rates: Apr.
The Customer shall be allowed a daily tolerance for the difference between their actual daily delivery and their actual daily take equal to the greater of 500 Dth or 2% of the Customer’s daily takes.
The table below shows the commodity costs a residential customer will incur under the proposed GCA factors based on 10 Dth of usage.
The MDTQ shall be: • TSA Effective Date (as defined in Section 3 below) through December 31, 2023: 175,000 Dth • January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026: 200,000 Dth • January 1, 2027 through April 30, 2030: 225,000 Dth A list of the Primary Receipt/Delivery Point(s), Receipt/Delivery Point MDQ(s) and Total MDTQ, and related terms, are provided on the attached Appendix A.
The MDTQ was later increased in a subsequent amendment to 300,000 Dth.