Dth definition

Dth or “Dekatherm” shall mean ten therms.
Dth or "Dekatherm" shall mean one million Btu. The standard quantity for nominations, confirmation and scheduling is dekatherms per Gas Day in the United States, gigajoules per Gas Day in Canada and gigacalories per Gas Day in Mexico. (For reference 1 dekatherm = 1,000,000 Btu's; and 1 gigajoule = 1,000,000,000 joules; and 1 gigacalorie = 1,000,000,000 calories.) For commercial purposes, the standard conversion factor between dekatherms and gigajoules is 1.055056 gigajoules per dekatherm and between dekatherms and gigacalories is 0.251996 gigacalories per dekatherm. The standard Btu is the International Btu, which is also called the Btu(IT); the standard joule is the joule specified in the SI system of units.
Dth means one million (1,000,000) British Thermal Units.

Examples of Dth in a sentence

  • Rates Per Dth Used Each MonthDth = decatherm = 10 therms = 1,000,000 BtuSummer Rates: Apr.

  • The Customer shall be allowed a daily tolerance for the difference between their actual daily delivery and their actual daily take equal to the greater of 500 Dth or 2% of the Customer’s daily takes.

  • The table below shows the commodity costs a residential customer will incur under the proposed GCA factors based on 10 Dth of usage.

  • The MDTQ shall be: • TSA Effective Date (as defined in Section 3 below) through December 31, 2023: 175,000 Dth • January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026: 200,000 Dth • January 1, 2027 through April 30, 2030: 225,000 Dth A list of the Primary Receipt/Delivery Point(s), Receipt/Delivery Point MDQ(s) and Total MDTQ, and related terms, are provided on the attached Appendix A.

  • The MDTQ was later increased in a subsequent amendment to 300,000 Dth.

More Definitions of Dth

Dth means dekatherm. “Mdth” means one thousand dekatherms.
Dth. (Dekatherm) shall mean the quantity of heat energy which is equivalent to one million BTU and whereby 1 Dth is equal to 10 Therms.
Dth means a unit of heating value equal to ten (10) Therms or Million Btu’s (1 MMBtu).
Dth means one million (1,000,000) BTUs.
Dth means one million (1,000,000) Btus and is equivalent to one (1) MMBtu.
Dth or “Dekatherm” shall mean one million BTU
Dth means dekatherm, which is equivalent to an MMBtu.