Dual enrollment course definition

Dual enrollment course means a college level course that is
Dual enrollment course means a college level course that is conducted on the campus of a high school or on the campus of a joint technical education district, that is applicable to an established community college academic degree or certificate program and that is transferable to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents. A dual enrollment course that is applicable to a community college occupational degree or certificate program may be transferable to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents.
Dual enrollment course means a college level COLLEGE-LEVEL course

Examples of Dual enrollment course in a sentence

  • Dual enrollment course grades become part of a student's permanent college and high school transcript and are calculated into the student's permanent postsecondary GPA maintained by EFSC.

  • Dual enrollment course grades become part of a student’s permanent college and high school transcript and are calculated into the student’s permanent postsecondary GPA maintained by FIU.

  • Those students who participate may apply the college credits earned toward fulfill graduation requirements.• Florida Statute 1007.271(11) allows for any course in the Statewide Course Numbering System, with the exception of remedial courses and physical education skills courses, to be offered as Dual enrollment.• Students successfully completing an approved vocational Dual enrollment course through Florida Gateway College may apply the credit toward a specific vocational completer program.

  • Dual enrollment course grades become part of a student's permanent college and high school transcript and are calculated into the student's permanent postsecondary GPA maintained by FIU.

  • The postsecondaryinstitution must advise the school district of instructional material requirements as soon as that information becomes available but no later than one term before a course is offered.• Dual Enrollment courses taught on a high school campus may not be combined with any non-college credit high school course.• A postsecondary institution shall assign letter grades to each student enrolled in a Dual enrollment course.

More Definitions of Dual enrollment course

Dual enrollment course means a course that carries both high school and college credit.
Dual enrollment course means a course for which a student may receive both high school credit towards graduation and postsecondary credit while simultaneously registered at both the high school and the Accredited Postsecondary Institution accredited postsecondary institution.
Dual enrollment course means a course, which may be advanced-level, that carries both high school and college credit.
Dual enrollment course means a post-secondary level course offered by a state institution of higher learning or community or junior college, which, upon successful completion, qualifies for academic credit in the post-secondary institution.
Dual enrollment course means a postsecondary course taught by an NSHE instructor to high school students through a formally established dual enrollment program.
Dual enrollment course means, pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-101(11), a “college-level course that is conducted on the campus of a high school or on the campus of a career technical education district, that is applicable to an established community college academic degree or certificate program and that is transferable to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents. A dual enrollment course that is applicable to a community college occupational degree or certificate program may be transferable to a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents.” Notwithstanding the above, pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-1821.01(3), physical education shall not be available as a Dual Enrollment Course. Arizona, .
Dual enrollment course means a postsecondary course taught by an NSHE instructor on the high school campus or NSHE campus through a formally established dual enrollment program.