Duties of Members definition
Examples of Duties of Members in a sentence
Duties of Members Section 1: Principal.-- The principal shall provide information regarding the school educational plan, including the school budget.
Rule 2.1. Rights, Privileges and Duties of Members Unless otherwise provided in the Exchange Rules or Exchange LLC Agreement, each Member shall have the rights, privileges and duties of any other Member.
As well as any past or existing financial, business, professional, family or social relationship with any interested parties in the proceeding, or their counsel, or any such relationship involving a candidate’s employer, partner, business associate or family member; and public advocacy or legal or other representation concerning an issue in dispute in the proceeding or involving the same goods.24Third section is titled Duties of Members and regulates the conduct of ar- bitrators during the proceedings.
The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve new or revised Board Policies (BP) 0415 (Equity); BP 5112.5 (Open/Closed Campus); BP 5141.21 (Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions); BP 6145.8 (Assemblies and Special Events); BP 6154.8 (Outside Speakers); BP 6174 (Education for English Learners); and BP 9122 (Duties of Members – Secretary) as recommended by the California School Board Association (CSBA) and to comply with Education Code and federal and state laws.
University Regulation No. 3, Privileges and Duties of Members of the Faculty.
The following is a summary of the principles of good corporate governance:Authority and Duties of Members [or Shareholders] Members or shareholders [as owners] of the corporation shall jointly and severally protect, preserve and actively exercise the supreme authority of the corporation in general meetings.
The Duties of Members of Charitable Incorporated Organisations Require Clarification One key rationale for establishing the fiduciary duty for members of charitable companies must be to align the judicial regulation of charitable companies with wider rules of Equity.
Legal Standard Governing Fiduciary Duties of Members of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors.
Duties of Members may be amended, from time to time, by decision of the Management Committee, provided that the Members’ Interest is not affected except with the unanimous consent of the Members.
Whenever travel is for an extended period of time, and travel to a number of cities is involved, contact AWCI and work out the details of reimbursement of the expenses involved.4 Directors and Officers4.2003.01 Duties of Members of the Board of DirectorsDirectors of AWCI are volunteers who serve without compensation or expectation ofpersonal return.