Examples of E points in a sentence
By regulation, 2 CFR 225 Appendix E points out the need to properly account for "extraordinary or distorting expenditures" in order to ensure an equitable distribution of indirect costs to all benefiting cost objectives (Federal and non-Federal awards/activities).
Thus the gradient of E points in the direction of g, i.e., orthogonally to the constraint hyperplane defined by the equation gTu = c.
The “point“ yields at the (θp, E) points as required by the fixed stepsizes are evaluated from the meshpoint values using the logarithmic scale Lagrangian interpolation.
Legal reference: Decision 2011/850/EU Annex II E points 12 and 13; note, also applicable for Annex II F points 14 and 15.
O C{ }To conclude this section we describe the E' -points of dd,BT, for E′/E a finite extension; recall that our convention is that a two-dimensional Galois representation is Barsotti–Tate if all its labelled pairs of Hodge–Tate weights are equal to 0, 1 (and not just that all of the labelled Hodge–Tate weights are equal to 0 or 1).C→ O OCOLemma 3.5.16.
In the case of one field, 5 points were considered: the IC (C), the proximal (A) and distal (E) points, and the intermediate points between IC and the proximal point (B) and between IC and the distal point (D).
The predictions of the three different turbulence models on the airflow velocity in I and E points of inlet and outlet channels of windcatcher with 30° ASCD are presented in Table 3.
Then the Spf( E' )-points of dd,BT correspond precisely to the potentially Barsotti–Tate Galois representations GK GL2( E' ) which become Barsotti–Tate over K′; and the Spf( E' )-points of τ,BT correspond to those representations which are potentially Barsotti–Tate of type τ.OProof.
However, Section E points out that these provisions are not entirely safe and carry risks of taxable income being reported that is not consistent with the arm‟s length principle, and there might be a situation where the safe harbour and arm‟s length are inherently inconsistent allowing the taxpayer to choose the more favourable one and this might result in a loss of revenue.
The positions of I and E points in inlet and outlet diffuser of models (all the dimensions are in mm).