Points definition
Examples of Points in a sentence
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx General Manager Cedars Rapids Transmission Company Limited The Interconnection Facilities and the related Points-of-Interconnection and the Metering Points between CRT and Niagara Mohawk are described in this Schedule A.
There shall be a DS1 or higher rate transport interface at each of the Signaling Points of interconnection.
The Bank shall be entitled to debit such Points even if such debiting causes the Card Account to have a negative Points balance.
The Metering Points for power and energy delivered along the Interconnection Facilities are at the Xxxxxxxx substation, located in the Town of Massena, St. Lawrence County, New York, United States.
Where Points have been credited to the Cardholder’s Card Account and/or used before the Retail Purchase is refunded, the Bank will debit the Card Account for the credited Points.