Elective Surgery means non-emergency surgery which is medically necessary, but can be delayed for at least 24 hours.
Aquatic invasive species means any invasive, prohibited,
Nursing home-type patients means a patient who has been in hospital more than 35 days, no longer requires acute hospital care, cannot live independently at home or be looked after at home, and either cannot be placed in a nursing home or a nursing home place is not available.
Medically Necessary means a service which is appropriate and consistent with the treatment of the condition in accordance with accepted standards of community practice.
Medically Necessary Services means those covered services that are, under the terms and conditions of the contract, determined through contractor utilization management to be:
Medically Necessary Treatment means any treatment, tests, medication, or stay in hospital or part of a stay in hospital which:
Outpatient treatment means mental health or substance abuse treatment services rendered to a
Totally enclosed treatment facility means a facility for the treatment of hazardous waste which is directly connected to an industrial production process and which is constructed and operated in a manner which prevents the release of any hazardous waste or any constituent thereof into the environment during treatment. An example is a pipe in which waste acid is neutralized.
Adult abuse means the willful infliction of physical pain, injury or mental anguish or unreasonable
Iatrogenic infertility means an impairment of fertility by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other medical treatment affecting reproductive organs or processes.
Medically Necessary Leave of Absence means any change in enrollment at the post-secondary school that begins while the child is suffering from a serious illness or injury, is medically necessary, and causes the child to lose student status for purposes of coverage under the Plan.
Qualified health plan means a health benefit plan that has in effect a certification that the plan
Alternate Transportation means another flight (or flights) on the services of the same carrier or a flight (or flights) on the services of another carrier.
Opiate means any substance having an addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of conversion into a drug having such addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability. It does not include, unless specifically designated as controlled under Article 4 (§ 54.1-3437 et seq.), the dextrorotatory isomer of 3-methoxy-n-methylmorphinan and its salts (dextromethorphan). It does include its racemic and levorotatory forms.
Inpatient treatment means mental health or substance abuse services delivered on a
Domestic Transportation means air transportation between points in Canada, from and to the same point in Canada or between Canada and a point outside Canada that is not in the territory of another country.
Low-level radioactive waste or “waste” means radioactive material that consists of or contains class A, B, or C radioactive waste as defined by 10 C.F.R. 61.55, as in effect on January 26, 1983, but does not include waste or material that is any of the following:
Adolescent means a Medicaid patient 17 years or younger.
Cosmetic Surgery means any Surgery, service, Drug or supply designed to improve the appearance of an individual by alteration of a physical characteristic which is within the broad range of normal but which may be considered unpleasing or unsightly, except when necessitated by an Injury.
Domestic animal means any animal which is tamed or which has been or is being sufficiently tamed to serve some purpose for the use of man or which, although it neither has been nor is intended to be so tamed, is or has become in fact wholly or partly tamed-,
Assisted outpatient treatment or "AOT" means the categories of outpatient services ordered by the court under section 468 or 469a. Assisted outpatient treatment may include a case management plan and case management services to provide care coordination under the supervision of a psychiatrist and developed in accordance with person-centered planning under section 712. Assisted outpatient treatment may also include 1 or more of the following categories of services: medication; periodic blood tests or urinalysis to determine compliance with prescribed medications; individual or group therapy; day or partial day programming activities; vocational, educational, or self-help training or activities; assertive community treatment team services; alcohol or substance use disorder treatment and counseling and periodic tests for the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs for an individual with a history of alcohol abuse or substance use disorder; supervision of living arrangements; and any other services within a local or unified services plan developed under this act that are prescribed to treat the individual's mental illness and to assist the individual in living and functioning in the community or to attempt to prevent a relapse or deterioration that may reasonably be predicted to result in suicide, the need for hospitalization, or serious violent behavior. The medical review and direction included in an assisted outpatient treatment plan shall be provided under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
Outpatient status means, with respect to a covered servicemember who is a current member of the Armed Forces, the status of a member of the Armed Forces assigned to:
Functionally Dependent Facility means a facility which cannot be used for its intended purpose unless it is located in close proximity to water, limited to a docking or port facility necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, shipbuilding, or ship repair. The term does not include long-term storage, manufacture, sales, or service facilities.
Water-dependent use means a use or portion of a use which cannot exist in a location that is not adjacent to the water and which is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of its operations.
Automatic Investment Plan means a program in which regular periodic purchases (or withdrawals) are made automatically in (or from) investment accounts in accordance with a predetermined schedule and allocation. An Automatic Investment Plan includes a dividend reinvestment plan.
Adult motel means a hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment which: