Examples of Elder care in a sentence
Elder care or caring for chronically ill or dependent adults also tends to be undertaken by women, influencing the continuity of their labour force participation (Street and Connidis, 2001).
At a minimum, the employer's definition must include:(1) Minor/dependent child care emergencies such as unexpected absence of regular care provider, unexpected clo- sure of child's school, or unexpected need to pick up child at school earlier than normal.(2) Elder care emergencies such as the unexpected absence of a regular care provider or unexpected closure of an assisted living facility.[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.06 RCW.
This may also include: matriarchal teachings on midwifery and postnatal care for both woman and child; early childhood health care; palliative care; Elder care and care homes to keep Elders in their home communities as valued Knowledge Keepers; and other measures.
We call upon all governments and health service providers to provide necessary resources, including funding, to support the revitalization of Indigenous health, wellness, and child and Elder care practices.
Elder care is also available at facilities throughout the region.
This dimension calls for the engagement of gifted learners in the pursuit of real and meaningful investigations, both collaboratively and independently.
Elder care based work-family conflict: Antecedents and consequences.
Elder care emergencies such as the unexpected absence of a regular care provider or unexpected closure of an assisted living facility.
Workforce development and capacityOther priority issues related to Elder care, access to primary health care, mobile services, and integration of traditional models of wellness were all reinforced in this work.
Policy 1.1: Designate Appropriate Locations -Elder care facilities should be located in areas identified on the Future Development Plan for Medium-, Medium-High- and High- Density Residential or Commercial uses.