Electric utility company definition

Electric utility company. ’ means any company which owns or operates facilities used for the generation, transmission, or dis- tribution of electric energy for sale, other than sale to tenants or employees of the com- pany operating such facilities for their own use and not for resale. The Commission, upon application, shall by order declare a company operating any such facilities not to be an elec- tric utility company if the Commission finds that (A) such company is primarily engaged in one or more businesses other than the business of an electric utility company, and by reason of the small amount of electric energy sold by such company it is not necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors or consumers that such company be considered an electric utility company for the purposes of this chapter, or (B) such company is one oper- ating within a single State, and substantially all of its outstanding securities are owned di- rectly or indirectly by another company to which such operating company sells or fur- nishes electric energy which it generates; such other company uses and does not resell such electric energy, is engaged primarily in manu- facturing (other than the manufacturing of electric energy or gas) and is not controlled by any other company; and by reason of the small amount of electric energy sold or furnished by such operating company to other persons it is not necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors or consumers that it be considered an electric utility company for the purposes of this chapter. The filing of an appli- cation hereunder in good faith shall exempt such company (and the owner of the facilities operated by such company) from the applica-
Electric utility company shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 3.1(a).
Electric utility company means a public utility as defined under section 269-1, for the production, conveyance, transmission, delivery, or furnishing of power.

Examples of Electric utility company in a sentence

  • Electric utility company service installation and energy cost will be billed to and paid for by the maintaining authority.

  • Electric utility company service installation and energy cost will be billed to and paid for by the department.

  • Electric utility company service installation and energy cost will be billed to and paid for by the maintaining authority.Append standard spec 656.3.4 with the following: Install the cabinet base and meter breaker pedestal first, so the electric utility company can install the service lateral.

  • Opower provides uses with personalized information about power usage, and offers ways to save energy and money through feedback mechanismsPacific Power: Electric utility company with service throughout northern California, southeastern Washington and Oregon.

  • Electric utility company maintained security lights on poles shall be allowed in the Historic District.

More Definitions of Electric utility company

Electric utility company means any company that owns or operates facili- ties used for the generation, trans- mission, or distribution of electric en- ergy for sale. For the purposes of this subchapter, ‘‘electric utility company’’ shall not include entities that engage only in marketing of electric energy.
Electric utility company means the largest interconnected organization business, or governmental entity that generates electric power for sale (e.g., a holding company with operating subsidiary companies). “Emergency condition” means that period of time when:
Electric utility company has the meaning given to such term in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, 42 U.S.C. section 15801.
Electric utility company. ’ means any company that
Electric utility company. ’ means any com-
Electric utility company means the largest interconnected organization, business, or governmental entity that generates electric power for sale (e.g., a holding company with operating subsidiary companies).
Electric utility company means any company that owns or operates facilities used for the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy for sale. For the purposes of this subchapter, ‘‘electric utility company’’ shall not include entities that engage only in marketing of electric energy.