Examples of Electrical Supplies in a sentence
Our principal products include Fasteners, Tools, Cutting Tools, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Material Handling, Janitorial Supplies, Electrical Supplies, Welding Supplies, and Safety Supplies.
The subject matter of this contract is commodities generally on the subject of Electrical Supplies.
Farm Equipment and Supplies Feed Milling and SalesHeating, Plumbing, and Electrical Supplies Lumber and other Building Material Dealers Retail Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores Seed Storage and Sales5.
These are available on the MES website: https://mes.midstream.co.za IndemnityAnyone using these Requirements for Embedded Generation in part or in full as a basis for their own small-scale embedded generation program does so on the basis that they indemnify and hold harmless Midstream Electrical Supplies (Pty) Ltd and its successors or assigns in respect of any claim, action, liability, loss, damage or lawsuit arising from their use of these Requirements.
Our principal products include Fasteners, Tools, Cutting Tools, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Material Handling, Janitorial Supplies, Electrical Supplies, Welding Supplies, Safety Supplies, Metals, and Office Supplies.
The supply of the Electrical Supplies shall be as specified in the scope of works and carried out in accordance with these Conditions and requirements and no amendment or variation either to the terms and conditions or to the requirements shall be made unless agreed in writing between the parties and incorporated into this agreement.
When transferrable development rights are purchased by the bank in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.37 using conservation futures tax levy proceeds allocated to a project under K.C.C. 26.12.003.I., and there are subsequent sales of the transferable development rights, the bank may use sale proceeds as a match to new projects.
Contract prices will be as stated in the discount off the IDW, i2 Trade Service Electrical Supplies Price Directory (ESPD), Latest Wholesale Edition, End Column less the applicable discount percentage bid by the successful bidder, or as stated in the Manufacturer’s Price list, less the applicable discount bid by the successful bidder.
An amount not to exceed $5,000.00 from the 2016-17 General Fund Budget (Operations and Maintenance Budget Codes: A1620.400-00 (Miscellaneous Contracts), A1621.452 (Electrical Supplies) and A1621.470 (Building Repairs); and 2.
HVAC Services State Contract# 88697 Crystal Clear Glass Window/Glass Replacement-PPE Ed Data# 9752Keer Electrical Supply Co. Electrical Supplies State Contract# 85583 GM Data Communications, Inc.