Examples of Electronic form in a sentence
Electronic form means an automated system that transmits information electronically from the initiating system to all affected systems.
Where a document is being maintained both in physical form and Electronic form, the authenticity with reference to the physical form should be considered for every purpose.
Where a Document is being maintained both in physical form and in Electronic form, the authenticity with reference to the physical form should be considered for every purpose.
The entry sum- mary will be scheduled for liquidation once payment is made under statement processing (see § 24.25 of this chapter).[T.D. 98–56, 63 FR 32945, June 16, 1998] § 143.36 Form of immediate delivery, entry and entry summary.(a) Electronic form of data.
The S.D.E. in-charge of work shall submit the bills, prepaid by contractor along the documents as mentioned hereunder to the Divisional Engineer, in-charge of work.Documents to be attached with bills• Material reconciliation statement• Measurement Book.• A/T Certificates• The site order Book.• The hindrance registers.• RID in physical as well as Electronic form shall be attached.• Third copy of the bill with photocopies of measurement sheets and A/T reports.