Examples of Electronic Format in a sentence
If you wish to voluntarily provide a dataset, please refer to the draft Guidance for Industry Providing Submissions in Electronic Format – Summary Level Clinical Site Data for CDER’s Inspection Planning” (available at the following link http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/FormsSubmissionRequire ments/UCM332468.pdf ) for the structure and format of this data set.
For the purposes of providing notice under this Agreement to the Municipality of the Work, the Company will provide the Municipality with the Plans and Specifications for the proposed Work to be completed in Electronic Format (or upon request, the Company will provide the Municipality with a hard copy of the materials).
Following completion of the Major Work, the Company shall provide the Municipality with the revised Plans and Specifications, updated after construction, in Electronic Format (or upon request, the Company will provide the Municipality with a hard copy of the materials) within three (3) months of the request.
For the purposes of obtaining the approval of the Municipality for Major Work under this Agreement, the Company will provide the Municipality with the Plans and Specifications for the proposed Major Work in Electronic Format (or upon request, the Company will provide the Municipality with a hard copy of the materials).
This document is available in alternative formats such as:~ Large Print~ Electronic Format [disk or emailed]Upon request.