Electronic Reader Board definition
Examples of Electronic Reader Board in a sentence
Electronic Reader Board Signs (Electronic Message Centers) Electronic reader boards shall be permitted as part of a sign subject to the requirements within the applicable zoning district.
An Ordinance Amending Subsection 14-8.10 of the Land Development Code to Permit Placement and Construction of Electronic Reader Board Signs to Facilitate Wayfinding and the Dissemination of Information in Real Time on Local Services, Programs, Activities and Events in Accordance with a City Program; and Establishing Certain Guidelines on Electronic Reader Board Signs.
Tom recapped proposed projects for 2016 as: 1st Street Parking Lot; Façade Grants; Electronic Reader Board at the Center for the Arts; Sidewalk Improvements in Old Town; 1st-2nd Street Alleyway conversion; a Resource Assistance Intern for Old Town Master plan and business development for a total of $475,000.
After manual validation, we identified a total of 3 hosts that were running Bittorrent , which in the following we denoted as “BT1@C”, “BT2@C” and “BT3@C”.
Following the City Council public hearing in April, the Council CD Committee requested that the code be expanded to allow:• City informational sign at 8-foot height.• Electronic Reader Board allowed as City informational sign.• In addition, staff recommends adding performance standards for the ERB similar to what is allowed west of the White River.To ensure that any changes to this code section have adequate public review, staff has recommended an additional City Council public hearing on June 18, 2018.
Electronic Reader Board means a sign which contains a traveling message or a message that appears to be traveling, usually in a horizontal manner.
There is concern that very large buildings in commercial and industrial zones could have excessively sized wall signs and Electronic Reader Board signs.
DOI: 10.1177/0162643416633332 *Appelman, M., Vail, C.O., Lieberman, R.
Also, while the code allows for a digital message sign, it does not specifically allow for an Electronic Reader Board sign.
Seattle Municipal Court Justice Center BuildingLobby Electronic Reader Board with CRC Services Information Results of Customer Service AssessmentRating Scale:Green/M=Meets standardYellow/NI=Doing some work, needs improvement/lacks resources Red/NBA=Not being addressed/lacks resourcesExhibit 23: Assessment of the Court Resource Center’s Customer Services Against the City of Seattle’s Customer Service Bill of Rights 1.