Electronic service address definition

Electronic service address means the email address designated by an attorney for service of documents pursuant to Gov. Bar R. VI, Section 4(B).
Electronic service address of a party means the electronic address at or through which the party has authorized electronic service.
Electronic service address means the email address designated by a member for service of documents through the electronic filing manager established by the Office of Court Administration and for communications to a member from Texas courts. The State Bar will provide each member’s electronic service address to the Office of Court Administration. A member’s electronic service address may be different from the member’s preferred email address.

Examples of Electronic service address in a sentence

  • Electronic service address from which I served the documents: Proof of electronic service is attached.

  • We'll transfer the remaining balance.New super fund details:Fund name Phone Member number USI ABN I'm transferring to a self-managed super fund Self-managed super fund name ABN Electronic service address (ESA) Self-managed super fund bank account name BSB number Account number FWDL01 12/2022Trustee: Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty.

  • Electronic service address from which I served the documents: mparker@edelson.com Proof of electronic service is attached.

  • Electronic service address Section N: Notice of electionThis notice of election must be made if entities are electing to be regulated under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and be eligible for tax concessions.

  • Electronic service address from which I served the documents:E J Proof of electronic service is attached.

More Definitions of Electronic service address

Electronic service address means the electronic address at or through which the party or other person has authorized electronic service.
Electronic service address means an email address at or through which the party or other person is deemed to have authorized electronic service. The initial electronic service address, as set forth below, is deemed valid for a party or other person if the party or other person has not filed and served notice of a change of electronic service address pursuant to subdivision (E) of rule 5.26.1:
Electronic service address of a party means the electronic address at or
Electronic service address of a party means the electronic mail
Electronic service address of a person means the electronic address at or through which the person has authorized electronic service.
Electronic service address of a party means the electronic mail (e-mail) address at or through which the party shall receive
Electronic service address means the electronic address at or through which