Electronic warehouse receipt definition

Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt
Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt that is issued or transmitted in the form of an electronic document.
Electronic warehouse receipt or (“EWR”) means a warehouse receipt that is issued [or released] in and exists in electronic form.

Examples of Electronic warehouse receipt in a sentence

  • The provider shall be approved by the department.90.15(3) Electronic warehouse receipt providers and provider agreements.

  • A n elec t r o n ic co m p u t e r s y s t e m ope r a t ed a n d m a i n t a i n ed b y a n a pp r oved p r o- vide r w h e r e t h e i nfo r m a t io n r el a t i n g t o w a r e h o u se r eceip t s i s r eco r ded.( dd) Electronic warehouse receipt ( E W R).

  • A n elec t r o n ic co m p u t e r s y s t e m ope ra t ed an d m a i n t a i n ed b y an a pp r oved p r o- vide r w h e r e t h e i nfo r m a t io n r el a t i n g t o w ar e h o u se r eceip t s is r eco r ded.( dd) Electronic warehouse receipt ( E WR).

  • Electronic warehouse receipt (EWR) means a warehouse receipt that is authorized by DACO to be issued or transmitted under the Act in the form of an electronic document.

More Definitions of Electronic warehouse receipt

Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt stored in electronic form;
Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt that has been generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, optical or similar means;
Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt issued in an electronic form;
Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt stored in electronic fonn;
Electronic warehouse receipt means a warehouse receipt that has been
Electronic warehouse receipt means an authorized, verifiable and transferable warehouse receipt that has been generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, optical or similar means, conferring legal title to the depositor for commodities received in a licensed warehouse accredited by the Agriculture Food Authority;
Electronic warehouse receipt or "EWR" means a warehouse receipt that is