Eligible ABL Purchaser definition

Eligible ABL Purchaser shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(h).
Eligible ABL Purchaser shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(g).

Examples of Eligible ABL Purchaser in a sentence

  • Upon receipt of a notice in accordance with Section 4.4(b) from an Eligible ABL Purchaser, the ABL Secured Parties shall have no further obligation under this Section 4.4 to sell the ABL Obligations to any other Eligible ABL Purchaser thereafter providing notice under Section 4.4(b).

Related to Eligible ABL Purchaser

  • Eligible Purchaser means a corporation, partnership or other entity which we have reasonable grounds to believe and do believe can make representations with respect to itself to substantially the same effect as the representations set forth herein.

  • Eligible Investor Either (i) a Qualified Institutional Buyer that is purchasing for its own account or for the account of a Qualified Institutional Buyer to whom notice is given that the offer, sale or transfer is being made in reliance on Rule 144A or (ii) an Institutional Accredited Investor.

  • Eligible Mortgage Loan means a Mortgage Loan:

  • Eligible Account Holder means any Person holding a Qualifying Deposit on the Eligibility Record Date for purposes of determining Subscription Rights and establishing subaccount balances in the liquidation account to be established pursuant to Section 15 hereof.

  • Eligible Substitute Mortgage Loan With respect to a Mortgage Loan substituted by the Transferor for a Deleted Mortgage Loan, a Mortgage Loan which must, on the date of such substitution, (i) have a Principal Balance, (or, in the case of a substitution of more than one mortgage loan for a Deleted Mortgage Loan, an aggregate Principal Balance), not in excess of, and not more than 10% less than the Principal Balance of the Deleted Mortgage Loan; (ii) be accruing interest at a rate no lower than and not more than 1% per annum higher than, that of the Deleted Mortgage Loan; (iii) have a Loan-to-Value Ratio no higher than that of the Deleted Mortgage Loan; (iv) have a remaining term to maturity no greater than (and not more than one year less than that of) the Deleted Mortgage Loan; (v) comply with each representation and warranty set forth in Section 2.03 hereof; (vi) be the same credit grade category as the Deleted Mortgage Loan; (vii) have the same prepayment penalty term; and (viii) not be a Cooperative Mortgage Loan unless the Deleted Mortgage Loan was a Cooperative Mortgage Loan.

  • Eligible LC Bank means either a U.S. commercial bank, or a foreign bank issuing a Letter of Credit through its U.S. branch; and in each case the issuing U.S. commercial bank or foreign bank must be acceptable to Buyer in its sole discretion and such bank must have a Credit Rating of at least: (a) “A-, with a stable designation” from S&P and “A3, with a stable designation” from Moody’s, if such bank is rated by both S&P and Moody’s; or (b) “A-, with a stable designation” from S&P or “A3, with a stable designation” from Moody’s, if such bank is rated by either S&P or Moody’s, but not both, even if such bank was rated by both S&P and Moody’s as of the date of issuance of the Letter of Credit but ceases to be rated by either, but not both of those ratings agencies.

  • Non-MERS Eligible Mortgage Loan Any Mortgage Loan other than a MERS Eligible Mortgage Loan.

  • Lead Securitization Directing Certificateholder means the “Directing Certificateholder” as defined in the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder herein shall mean the Non-Lead Securitization Subordinate Class Representative under the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement, as and to the extent provided in the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement and as to the identity of which the Lead Securitization Noteholder (and the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer) has been given written notice. The Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall not be required at any time to deal with more than one party exercising the rights of a “Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder” herein or under the Servicing Agreement and, to the extent that the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement assigns such rights to more than one party, for purposes of this Agreement, the Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement shall designate one party to deal with the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) and provide written notice of such designation to the Lead Securitization Noteholder (and the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) (such party, the “Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative”); provided that, in the absence of such designation and notice, the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be entitled to treat the last party as to which it has received written notice as having been designated as the Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative with respect to such Non-Controlling Note for all purposes of this Agreement. Prior to Securitization of any Non-Lead Securitization Note by the Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder (including any New Notes), all notices, reports, information or other deliverables required to be delivered to such Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder pursuant to this Agreement or the Servicing Agreement by the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) only need to be delivered to each Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative and, when so delivered to each Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative, the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be deemed to have satisfied its delivery obligations with respect to such items hereunder or under the Servicing Agreement. Following Securitization of any Non-Lead Securitization Notes by the Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder, all notices, reports, information or other deliverables required to be delivered to such Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder pursuant to this Agreement or the Servicing Agreement by the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be delivered to the related Non-Lead Master Servicer and the related Non-Lead Special Servicer (who then may forward such items to the party entitled to receive such items as and to the extent provided in the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement) and, when so delivered to the related Non-Lead Master Servicer and the related Non-Lead Special Servicer, the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be deemed to have satisfied its delivery obligations with respect to such items hereunder or under the Servicing Agreement.

  • Eligible Notes means (a) Note(s) meeting the eligiblity criteria set out in § 204.12 hereof.

  • Lead Securitization Noteholder means the holder of the Lead Securitization Note.

  • MERS Eligible Mortgage Loan Any Mortgage Loan that has been designated by the Servicer as recordable in the name of MERS.

  • Eligible Vehicle means a Vehicle (which includes, for the avoidance of doubt, a Service Vehicle) in Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy or France (as applicable):

  • Eligible Counterparty means any bank or financial institution (which for these purposes shall include any leading dealer or broker in commodity and commodity index swap transactions) incorporated, domiciled and regulated in an OECD country with a rating equal to the Eligible Counterparty Threshold Rating or higher (or the equivalent rating from any other Rating Agency) or having the benefit of an enforceable guarantee from an Affiliate with a rating equal to the Eligible Counterparty Threshold Rating or higher (or the equivalent rating from any other Rating Agency).

  • Lead Securitization Note Holder means the holder of the Lead Securitization Note.

  • Eligible Servicer means a Person which, at the time of its appointment as Servicer, (i) has a net worth of not less than $50,000,000, (ii) is servicing a portfolio of motor vehicle retail installment sale contracts and/or motor vehicle loans, (iii) is legally qualified, and has the capacity, to service the Receivables, (iv) has demonstrated the ability to service a portfolio of motor vehicle retail installment sale contracts and/or motor vehicle loans similar to the Receivables professionally and competently in accordance with standards of skill and care that are consistent with prudent industry standards and (v) is qualified and entitled to use pursuant to a license or other written agreement, and agrees to maintain the confidentiality of, the software which the Servicer uses in connection with performing its duties and responsibilities under the Sale and Servicing Agreement or obtains rights to use, or develops at its own expense, software which is adequate to perform its duties and responsibilities under the Sale and Servicing Agreement.

  • Qualifying Substitute Mortgage Loan In the case of a Mortgage Loan substituted for a Deleted Mortgage Loan pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, a Mortgage Loan that, on the date of such substitution, (i) has an outstanding Scheduled Principal Balance (or in the case of a substitution of more than one mortgage loan for a Deleted Mortgage Loan, an aggregate Scheduled Principal Balance), after application of all Scheduled Payments due during or prior to the month of substitution, not in excess of, and not more than 5% less than, the outstanding Scheduled Principal Balance of the Deleted Mortgage Loan as of the Due Date in the calendar month during which the substitution occurs, (ii) has a Mortgage Rate not less than the Mortgage Rate on the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (iii) if applicable, has a maximum Mortgage Rate not less than the maximum Mortgage Rate on the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (iv) if applicable, has a minimum Mortgage Rate not less than the minimum Mortgage Rate of the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (v) if applicable, has a gross margin equal to or greater than the gross margin of the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (vi) is not a Cooperative Loan unless the related Deleted Mortgage Loan was a Cooperative Loan, (vii) if applicable, has a next adjustment date not later than the next adjustment date on the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (viii) has the same Due Date as the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (ix) has a remaining stated term to maturity not longer than 18 months and not more than 18 months shorter than the remaining stated term to maturity of the related Deleted Mortgage Loan, (x) is current as of the date of substitution, (xi) has a Loan-to-Value Ratio as of the date of substitution equal to or lower than the Loan-to-Value Ratio of the Deleted Mortgage Loan as of such date, (xii) has been underwritten by a Transferor in accordance with the same underwriting criteria and guidelines as the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (xiii) has a risk grading determined by the Seller at least equal to the risk grading assigned on the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (xiv) is secured by the same property type as the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (xv) conforms to each representation and warranty applicable to the Deleted Mortgage Loan made in the Mortgage Loan Sale and Assignment Agreement, (xvi) has the same or higher lien position as the Deleted Mortgage Loan, (xvii) is covered by a Primary Mortgage Insurance Policy if the Deleted Mortgage Loan was so covered and (xviii) contains provisions covering the payment of Prepayment Premium by the Mortgagor for early prepayment of the Mortgage Loan at least as favorable as the Deleted Mortgage Loan. In the event that one or more mortgage loans are substituted for one or more Deleted Mortgage Loans, the amounts described in clause (i) hereof shall be determined on the basis of aggregate Scheduled Principal Balances, the Mortgage Rates described in clause (ii) hereof shall be determined on the basis of weighted average Mortgage Rates, the risk gradings described in clause (xiii) hereof shall be satisfied as to each such mortgage loan, the terms described in clause (ix) hereof shall be determined on the basis of weighted average remaining term to maturity, the Loan-to-Value Ratios described in clause (xi) hereof shall be satisfied as to each such mortgage loan and, except to the extent otherwise provided in this sentence, the representations and warranties described in clause (xv) hereof must be satisfied as to each Qualified Substitute Mortgage Loan or in the aggregate, as the case may be.

  • Eligible Loan means a Loan offered for sale or substituted by Seller under a Sale Agreement which as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or as of the related Subsequent Cutoff Date, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan, is current or not more past due than permitted under such Sale Agreement in payment of principal or interest and which meets the following criteria as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or as of the effective date of the related Xxxx of Sale, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan:

  • Back-Up Servicer means Xxxxx Fargo Bank, National Association and its permitted successors and assigns, as provided in the Indenture.

  • Non-Lead Securitization Note Holder means any holder of a Non-Lead Securitization Note.

  • REMIC Eligible Mortgage Loan A Mortgage Loan held by a REMIC which satisfies and/or complies with all applicable REMIC Provisions.

  • Receivables Seller means the Borrower or those Subsidiaries that are from time to time party to the Permitted Receivables Facility Documents (other than any Receivables Entity).

  • Eligible Swap Counterparty means an entity, which may be an affiliate of a remarketing agent, engaged in the business of entering into derivative instrument contracts that satisfies the Rating Agency Condition.

  • Additional Collateral Mortgage Loan Each Mortgage Loan identified as such in the Mortgage Loan Schedule.

  • Eligible Account Receivable means an Account Receivable owing to the Company or any Domestic Subsidiary which meets the following requirements:

  • Qualified Institutional Investor (tekikaku kikan xxxxxxx) has the meaning assigned thereto in Article 2, Paragraph 3, item 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (kinyu shohin torihiki ho) of Japan (Law No. 25 of 1948), Article 10, Paragraph 1 of the regulations relating to the definitions contained in such Article 2.