Examples of Eligible beneficiary in a sentence
Relevant Policies - Local Plan DG1, N6.6 Prior to any equipment, machinery or materials being brought onto the site, details of the measures to protect, during construction, the trees shown to be retained on the approved plan, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Eligible beneficiary: E (SME) = Enterprise (SME) with residence or branch in the region.
Receive registration confirmation slipEligible BeneficiaryKey Steps 2 Eligible beneficiary shall first update their Member Data Record (MDR) and shall have their PhilHealth Individual Number (PIN) prior to the assisted registration.
Ordinary shares of HK$0.01 each of the Company (the “Shares”) Name of Director Capacity/Nature of interestsNumber ofShares interested % of issued voting SharesMr. Alex Yeung Eligible beneficiary of a private2,371,313,094 73.80% discretionary trust Note: These Shares were held by Emperor Culture Group Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Albert Yeung Entertainment Holdings Limited (“AY Entertainment Holdings”).
Ms. Luk Siu Man, Semon (“Ms. Semon Luk”)Interest of spouse 2,747,610,489(Note)74.71%Mr. Alex Yeung Eligible beneficiary of a private discretionary trust2,747,610,489(Note)74.71%Ms. Fan Man Seung, VanessaBeneficial owner 10,500,000 0.29% Note:These Shares were held by Emperor International Group Holdings Limited (“Emperor International Group Holdings”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Albert Yeung Holdings Limited (“AY Holdings”).