Eligible Energy Resource definition
Examples of Eligible Energy Resource in a sentence
Seller hereby authorizes Company to act as its agent for the purposes of registering the Facility as an Eligible Energy Resource, and tracking, certifying, registering and reporting such Green Benefits.
An Eligible Energy Resource making substantive changes to its operational characteristics shall notify the Commission of such changes at least 30 days prior to the effective date of such changes.
However, in the absence of self-discipline, the Superintendent, principal and administrative personnel, or any teacher of the School Corporation are authorized to take certain actions reasonable, desirable or necessary to help any student to further school purposes, or to prevent an interference with the educational process.
At such time, the Generation Unit shall submit a revised Application, which shall be subject to review and re-certification pursuant to Section 3.1 of this Regulation.3.1.11 An Eligible Energy Resource must provide updates to any changes to information submitted in the Application within 30 days of those changes becoming effective.
A solar renewable energy credit (an “SREC”) represents the same non-price characteristics of 1 MWh of energy derived from an Eligible Energy Resource that generates electric energy using solar photovoltaic technology.RECs and SRECs are created upon the generation of electricity by an Eligible Energy Resource and the registration of such REC or SREC within GATS.
Testimony which supports the evidence adduced by an accomplice may bolster and strengthen the reliance that can be placed on it.20 18.
These standards determine if a resource is an Eligible Energy Resource under the Act.
The Company reserves the right to weigh the potential benefits of acquiring Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) and generation from a project deemed to be an Eligible Energy Resource in its Non-Price Factor Analysis; see Section 5.1. 2.3 Pricing Form D1 provides the pricing template for PPA proposals.
Each owner of an Eligible Energy Resource is entitled to one REC or SREC, as applicable, for each MWh of energy generated by the resource.
Seller hereby authorizes Company to act as its agent for the purposes of registering the Eligible Energy Resource, tracking and certifying RECs and Company has full authority to hold, sell or trade such RECs to its own account of said renewable energy information or tracking systems.