Examples of Green Tags in a sentence
A Green Generation Program participating customer relinquishes any rights to market or sell Green Tags or Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with the customer's participation in the Green Generation Program under this tariff.
Seller, at its own cost and expense, shall register with, pay all fees required by, and comply with, all reporting and other requirements of WREGIS relating to the Facility or Green Tags.
The Parties shall execute all additional documents and instruments reasonably requested by PacifiCorp in order to further document the transfer of the Green Tags to PacifiCorp or its designees.
Further, in the event of the promulgation of a scheme involving Green Tags administered by a Governmental Authority, upon notification by such Governmental Authority that any transfers contemplated by this Agreement will not be recorded, the Parties shall promptly cooperate in taking all reasonable actions necessary so that such transfers can be recorded.
Green Tags are accumulated on a kWh basis and one Green Tag represents the Green Attributes associated with one (1) MWh of Energy.