Eligible Residence definition

Eligible Residence means a single-family residence located within our service area. If the Eligible Residence is a house, townhouse, condominium, apartment unit, modular home, or a manufactured home, it must be anchored to a permanent foundation and not moved for the duration of the Plan and applies only to the Equipment and systems serving the individual unit, not the common areas or shared systems in multiple unit dwellings.
Eligible Residence means a single-family home (attached or detached) or any unit within a multiple unit residential building located within either of the two certified Class Areas shown on the maps in Exhibit C.
Eligible Residence means a residential housing structure which meets certain criteria and thus may be financed with Bond proceeds.

Examples of Eligible Residence in a sentence

  • No Services will be provided if the Authorized Repair Technician is prevented from entering an Eligible Residence due to the presence of animals, insects, unsafe conditions, or if the equipment is not easily accessible, or is located outside of the permanent foundation of the Eligible Residence.

  • The Grantor reserves the Right to make public (including media) announcements in relation to, and otherwise report on the Grant, the awarding of the Grant, this Deed and any Relevant Matter.

  • The Equipment must be located in an Eligible Residence and: (a) Located within the confines of the permanent foundation of an Eligible Residence; (b) Properly installed and in proper working order on the Effective Date; (c) Safely and easily accessible for diagnosis and repair by the Authorized RepairTechnician; and (d) Located in a safe environment for the Authorized Repair Technician.

  • A residence intended to be used in a trade or business (other than the rental of units not occupied by the Mortgagor in a 2 to 4 unit residence) is not an Eligible Residence unless otherwise permitted by MaineHousing in accordance with § 143 of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • Fidelity insurance, if the Eligible Residence is part of a condominium that has more than twenty units, and comprehensive public liability insurance for the association of unit owners.

More Definitions of Eligible Residence

Eligible Residence means any residence located within the urban areas of Spokane County, identified in Exhibit A of this Ordinance, which receives garbage collection service from a certificated hauler. The certificated hauler must provide the level of service described in this Ordinance to all those eligible residences and the customer must pay for the service whether or not the customer elects to actually use the service. “Eligible residence” shall also include any residence located within the urban unincorporated portions of Spokane County which does not receive garbage collection service from a certificated hauler but elects to receive the recycling service described in this Ordinance. These eligible residences, not otherwise required to pay for the garbage and recycling services, must pay for the recycling collection service only if the customer elects to receive it. These residences that become eligible residences by election only, are not required to accept garbage collection service from a certificated hauler, even if they elect to receive recycling collection service.
Eligible Residence means residential housing that:
Eligible Residence means a residence located in the District of Columbia, the acquisition cost of which does not exceed the Maximum Acquisition Cost.
Eligible Residence means a single-family dwelling and includes a house or mobile home SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE within the City, used as a dwelling, but
Eligible Residence means a single-family residence forty
Eligible Residence means a newly constructed single-family home located in an underserved area on a lot upon which another building previously stood;
Eligible Residence means a residence that: