Examples of Emerging Market Securities in a sentence
Risks related to Emerging Market Securities Investments in emerging market securities may involve increased risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in more developed markets, such as liquidity risks, currency risks/control, political and economic uncertainties, legal and taxation risks, settlement risks, custody risk and the likelihood of a high degree of volatility.
In addition, the total country of issuance exposure to Emerging Market Securities shall not exceed 5%.
If a Fund or an ETP holds common stock equivalents of any given issuer, the Fund or ETP will generally be exposed to greater risk than if the Fund or ETP held preferred stocks and debt obligations of such issuer.Foreign and Emerging Market Securities Risk — Foreign investments may carry risks associated with investing outside the United States, such as currency fluctuation, economic or financial instability, lack of timely or reliable financial information, or unfavorable political or legal developments.
The securities issued by small and medium capitalization companies may be less liquid, and such companies may have more limited markets, financial resources and product lines, and may lack the depth of management of larger companies.• Foreign and Emerging Market Securities.
Given the general prohibition against trading in Emerging Market Securities, this January 1, 2011 EMM Code of Ethics prohibition is most likely to occur in the limited instances in which EMM may be purchasing or selling securities of issuers from the developed markets for the All Country ex U.S. Quantitative Fund or a similarly managed Client account.
Because the vast majority of Securities purchased or acquired on behalf of Client accounts are Emerging Market Securities, the prohibition on Employee transactions in Emerging Market Securities significantly reduces the potential for conflicts of interest and the possible appearance of impropriety in connection with Employees’ personal Securities transactions.
Because the vast majority of Securities purchased or acquired on behalf of Client accounts are Emerging Markets Securities, the prohibition on Employee transactions in Emerging Market Securities significantly reduces the potential for conflicts of interest and the possible appearance of impropriety in connection with Employees' personal Securities transactions.
Emerging Market Securities: Securities issued by issuers or governments in countries with emerging economies or securities markets which may be undergoing significant evolution and rapid developments.Equity Securities: Shares of ownership of a company.Foreign Investments: Equity and debt securities (e.g., bonds and commercial paper) of foreign entities and obligations of foreign branches of U.S. banks and foreign banks.
Global Fixed Income▪ At least 80% of the Fund's Market Value must be invested in investment-grade securities ▪ Below investment grade rated securities cannot exceed 20% of the portfolio when combining High Yield securities and below investment grade rated Emerging Market Securities.
Because the vast majority of Securities purchased or acquired on behalf of Client accounts are Emerging Market Securities, the prohibition on Access Person transactions in Emerging Market Securities significantly reduces the potential for conflicts of interest and the possible appearance of impropriety in connection with Access Persons’ personal Securities transactions..