Tier 3 Sample Clauses
Tier 3. For employees hired on or after January 1, 2013, who meet the definition of new member under Gov’t Code 7522.04(f), the Town will provide Tier 3 benefits to include the 2% at 62 retirement benefit. Employees in Tier 3 shall: - Contribute an amount that is equal to one half (1/2) the normal cost of his/her CalPERS pension, or the current contribution rate of similarly situated employees, whichever is greater (Gov’t Code 7522.30(c)). - Use the 36-month final average compensation (Gov’t Code 20037). - Be eligible for PERS Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor benefits.
Tier 3. 4.3.1 Tier 3 describes those services that currently are provided for via homecare or might form part of a hospital at home solution where such services are being devised. Medicines and regimens in this tier would be those that require a significant level of pharmaceutical care beyond that traditionally provided by community pharmacy teams. This tier would provide an alternative to traditional homecare routes of supply for medicines that require, for example, direct cold chain supply to patients supplemented by administration of injectable medicines and follow up monitoring in the patient's home or training the patient to self-administer. Often medicines in this tier will require the input of non-pharmacy staff or very specialist pharmacy input and requires multiagency
Tier 3. PEPRA IMPLEMENTATION: Employees hired on or after January 1, 2013. For Unit employees who are employed with the City in a miscellaneous classification on or after January 1, 2013, and who are deemed by CalPERS to be “new members,” the City shall provide retirement coverage based upon the 2% @ 62 retirement benefit formula (Govt. Code 7522.20), calculated using the three year average final compensation period. For Unit employees who are employed with the City in a miscellaneous classification on or after January 1, 2013, and who are deemed by CalPERS to be “classic members,” Tier 1 or Tier 2 benefits shall apply.
Tier 3. Sworn Employees Hired On or After January 1, 2013 and Considered New Members of CalPERS (PEPRA Employees) Qualifying employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 and considered new members of CalPERS as defined by the Public Employee Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) (“third tier employees") will receive the 2% at age 50 increasing to 2.7% at age 57 retirement formula for sworn employees, and shall be subject to the provisions of PEPRA, including provisions governing reportable compensation.
Tier 3. Employees will be paid a Tier 3 Premium of six percent (6%) of the hourly rate of pay per hour for all pay periods in which they meet all of the following conditions:
Tier 3. For employees hired on or after January 1, 2013, who meet the definition of new member under Gov’t Code 7522.04(f), the Town will provide Tier 3 benefits to include the 2% at 62 retirement benefit. Employees in Tier 3 shall: Contribute an amount that is equal to one half (1/2) the normal cost of his/her/their CalPERS pension, or the current contribution rate of similarly situated employees, whichever is greater (Gov’t Code 7522.30(c)). - Use the 36-month final average compensation (Gov’t Code 20037). - Be eligible for PERS Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor benefits.
16.2 The Town has adopted a Resolution materially the same as that recommended by the Public Employees’ Retirement System to implement the provisions of 414 (h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). T.E.A. accepts the terms of this Resolution and acknowledges that this Resolution will apply to all current and future members of T.E.A.
Tier 3. The Tier 3 Payment is the payment of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) to a Tier 3 Claimant. Tier 3 Payments are only available for Class Members who meet the requirements of Paragraph 4.
Tier 3. Full-Time Employees hired on or after January 1, 2013
a. Shall receive the CalPERS retirement benefits formula based on 2.0% at age 62.
b. The final retirement compensation level shall be calculated using the average of the highest consecutive 36-month earnings, per the California Government Code.
c. Employees shall contribute 50% of the total normal cost for their CalPERS retirement benefit or that which similarly situated employees are contributing, whichever is greater.
d. The City offers retiree medical through CalPERS medical. The City pays the minimum contribution required by the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) toward the retiree’s CalPERS medical insurance premium.
Tier 3. Direct measurements of CH4 diffusion and ebullition fluxes across the reservoir surface provide the most accurate alternative to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches. It is good practice to undertake measurements at sufficient different locations and sufficient different times of year to capture both the spatial and temporal variability of CH4 emissions from a reservoir (see UNESCO/IHA GHG Measurement Guidelines for Freshwater Reservoirs 2010 (Goldenfum 2010) for additional guidance). CH4 emissions are often highly spatially variable, with 50-90 percent of total reservoir emissions emanating from 10-30 percent of a reservoir’s surface (typically in areas subject to high organic matter deposition such as the distal arms receiving significant catchment inflows (Xxxxxxx et al. 2012)).
Tier 3. (1) Roche represents and warrants that at the Amendment Date all existing quantities of Program Compound API for the Tier 3 Program directed to IP antagonists (together with associated supporting documentation that is required for quality assessment or regulatory filings) have been transferred to Synosia. Roche represents and warrants that Exhibit G hereto contains a true and complete list of all existing (as of the Amendment Date) quantities of analytical markers and process intermediates for such Program Compound API. Within thirty (30) days after the Amendment Date, Roche shall supply all of such analytical markers and process intermediates (together with associated supporting documentation) to Synosia at no cost.
(2) Roche represents and warrants that at the Amendment Date all existing quantities of Program Compound API and intermediates of such API for the Tier 3 Program directed to mGluR1 agonists (together with associated supporting documentation that is required for quality assessment or regulatory filings) have been transferred to Synosia.
(3) Roche represents and warrants that at the Amendment Date all existing quantities of Program Compound API and intermediates of such API for the Tier 3 Program directed to DbetaH inhibitors (together with associated supporting documentation that is required for quality assessment or regulatory filings) have been transferred to Synosia.