Examples of Energy Centre in a sentence
In addition a PV module qualification test certificate as per IEC standard, issued by ETDC, Bangalore or Solar Energy Centre will also be valid.
While the Energy Centre derives most of its energy from sewage heat recovery, natural gas boilers are used for back-up purposes, and to provide supplemental energy on the coldest days of the year.
As noted in the Evidence Update, the REA for the Bornish Wind Energy Centre (the “Bornish REA”) was received in April 2013 but has been appealed.
This is reflected in strategic initiatives such as the new and Renewable Energy Centre (Narec) in Northumberland and the associated Regional Energy Centres Innovation Connector (see section4 for further detail)Guideline 1.2 Improving knowledge and innovation for growth.
The economic opportunities for a Nuclear Energy Centre of Excellence arise from the proposal to build a £15bn new nuclear power station on Anglesey and the plans by Rolls Royce, GE Hitachi and others to develop SMR technologies relevant to Trawsfynydd.