Examples of Energy Star program in a sentence
Qualifying geothermal heat pump property is property that uses the ground or ground water as a thermal energy source to heat the dwelling unit or as a thermal energy sink to cool the dwelling unit, and meets the Energy Star program requirements in effect when the expenditure is made.
Energy Star: Roof System shall comply with the initial and aged reflectivity required by the U.S. Federal Government's Energy Star program.
Test procedures for medium base com- pact fluorescent lamps shall be based on the test methods for compact fluorescent lamps used under the August 9, 2001, version of the Energy Star program of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.
The term ‘‘Energy Star product’’ means a product that is rated for energy efficiency under an Energy Star program.
For additional information on the Energy Star program, including product specifications and a list of qualifying products, visit the Energy Star website at http://www.energystar.gov.
Water heaters and clothes dryers are the only major residential energy uses that the EPA and Energy Star program does not address and thus are not included in these standards.
The Energy Star program makes identification of energy efficient computers easy by labeling products that deliver the same or better performance as comparable models while using less energy and saving money.
Roof System shall comply with the initial and aged reflectivity required by the U.S. Federal Government's Energy Star program.
The Director of Utilities shall have the authority to issue addendums to Subsection 3 of this Rule which establish and modify different classes of incentives, known as Standards and Benefits, which are consistent with the Energy Star program guidelines and this Rule.
All Developments must adhere to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Star program standards, unless otherwise exempted by the Corporation.