Energy use intensity definition

Energy use intensity means a measurement that normalizes a
Energy use intensity means a measurement that normalizes a building's site energy use relative to its size. A building's energy use intensity is calculated by dividing the total net energy consumed in one year by the gross floor area of the building, excluding the parking garage. "Energy use intensity" is reported as a value of thousand British thermal units per square foot per year.
Energy use intensity or “EUI” means the annual kilowatt-hours of Energy usage divided by the operating space square footage used by the Energy consuming activity as determined by the District; and

Examples of Energy use intensity in a sentence

  • Energy use intensity assumptions are provided in section 8.8 – Supporting Information.

  • Energy use intensity comparison (March 2013–February 2014) While some benefits of the renovation project can be measured, others are only qualitative.

  • Energy use intensity is the total amount of externally provided energy to a building including not only for heating, ventilation, and hot water (that are the primary sources of GHG emissions in buildings) but also for air conditioning, fans, pumps, lighting and expected energy use fromappliances such as dishwashers and computers (referred to as plug loads).

  • Energy use intensity is commonly referenced as kilowatt hours per square metre per year (kWh/m² pa) or similar.

  • However, some are considered ZNE ready, meaning that their energy efficiency per square footage (Energy use intensity, ECI) meets the thresholds put in place by DGS.

More Definitions of Energy use intensity

Energy use intensity means a measurement that weather normalizes a building’s
Energy use intensity means the total annual energy consumed in a building divided by the building's total floor area.
Energy use intensity means a measurement that weather
Energy use intensity or “EUI” shall mean the kBTUs (1,000 British Thermal Units) used per square foot of gross floor area.
Energy use intensity or "EUI" means a numeric value calculated by the benchmarking tool that represents the energy consumed by a building relative to its size.
Energy use intensity means a measurement that weather normalizes a building’s site energy use relative to the building’s size, calculated by dividing the total net energy the building consumes in one year by the building’s gross floor area, excluding any parking garage, and that is reported in thousands of British thermal units per square foot per year.