Examples of Net Energy in a sentence
The complete customer list only needs to be provided prior to the Commercial Operation Date of the Facility and can be included with the Net Energy Billing Application.
The energy supplied by the DISCOM to the solar power generator, to maintain the auxiliaries of the power plant in situations of shutdown or non- generation of power, shall be treated as indicated below: Net Energy = Delivered energy by the project at interconnection point - Energy drawl from DISCOM for auxiliaries* *Restricted up to 0.1% of Installed capacity.
The Net Energy Billing application submitted by the Customer contains a section in which Customer stated whether the Facility is paired with battery storage unit which is paired with the NEB facility and if controls have been or will be in place to prevent the battery storage from being charged from the grid, or if the battery is capable of charging from the grid, controls have been or will be put in place which would prevent the battery from discharging energy to the grid.
If an individual customer participates in one or more Net Energy Billing arrangements and/or also receives financial credits in any Distributed Generation arrangement, the customer’s consumption will first be reduced by any applicable kWh credits before financial credits are applied.