Examples of Engine speed in a sentence
Texas proposed to revise this section to conform to amended Federalregulations by making minor wordingchanges, deleting paragraph (b) in itsentirety, and by adding new paragraphs(4) through (8).
A harmonic analysis of the vibration records must be made by a method approved by the Agency, at each increment of Engine speed and the results plotted against Engine speed so that the predominant orders of vibration and their relative magnitudes are clearly shown throughout the operating speed range of the Engine.
A tabulation based on the theoretical and test results obtained must be made detailing the following information relating to resonant conditions for the most serious criticals: Engine speed, order of vibration, frequency, maximum and minimum values of vibration stress in the crankshaft and Propeller shaft and the region at which they occur.
Engine speed shall be adjustable to operate the pump between maximum and minimum design operation speeds.
In other cases where for practical reasons it is impossible to use the strain type of torsional vibration pickups, and a seismic type of instrument attached to the free end of the crankshaft is used, the angular displacement amplitudes of the various orders of vibration at the free end of the crankshaft must be plotted against Engine speed.
These limiter settings may include Engine speed, measured gas temperature and fuel flow.
South Dakota Governor William Janklow recently threatened to stop trucks carrying Canadian grain and livestock at the South Dakota/Canada border.
Engine speed readout shall be ac- curate to within±2 percent of the abso- lute standard value, as defined in § 92.116 of this part.
The WHTC shall be performed according to the reference cycle as set out in paragraph 7.4. Engine speed and torque command set points shall be issued at 5 Hz (10 Hz recommended) or greater.
The WHTC shall be performed in accordance with the reference cycle as set out in paragraphs 7.4.6. and 7.4.7. Engine speed and torque command set points shall be issued at 5 Hz (10 Hz recommended) or greater.