Examples of English language education program in a sentence
By the start of the 2010-11 school year, the District shall provide ELL services consisting of ESL and SEI core content instruction at all schools enrolling XXXx regardless of whether this school was historically a high incidence program school or a low incidence non-program school, except at those schools where all of the XXXx satisfy the District and State criteria for a two-way, bilingual, or alternative English language education program.
The District shall provide ELL services consisting of ESL and SEI core content instruction at all schools enrolling XXXx without regard to whether the school was historically a high incidence program school or a low incidence non-program school, except at those schools where all of the XXXx satisfy the District and State criteria for a two-way, bilingual, or alternative English language education program.
According to MEXT, in 2011 an English language education program will be incorporated into the curricu- lum at the 5th and 6th grade levels in all public elementary schools.
The management team should be restricted to the financial director, the programs director, the marketing director and the news director.Political appointments and the participation of channel employers or trade union leaders in the broadcasting board should be forbidden.
According to the interview made with the Assistant Coordinator of English Preparatory School concerning English language education program administred in Ufuk University students are required to complete four levels (Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate) in English Preparatory School.
MD 2015- 15 outlines rules for granting of diploma and provincial certificates of accomplishment in an English language education program, including an education program for French immersion students.
This way, the researcher focuses this study on how speaking syllabus for English language education program of EFL students at IAIN Samarinda is defined and the induction of CDA in the syllabus is outlined.
Thus, it was appropriate to employ an in-depth, detailed exploration with a cohort of Turkish L2 learners of English at an intensive English language education program of a public university who were selected to participate in this study.
The importance of TOEFL scores in the form of PjBL in the English language education program at Brawijaya University Malang is summarized in the Table 1 below.It is known that the experimental class's pre-test score ranges from 367 to 483 with an average of 417.03, whereas the control class's ranges from 450 to 510 with an average of470.53.
Her high school was well known for its English language education program.