Examples of Enrolment Application Form in a sentence
Enrolment as a Pupil at the School in accordance with these Conditions of Enrolment of Pupils at Oakhill School, and the Enrolment Application Form, together with any such other terms and conditions as may specifically be agreed in writing between the Parties.
I declare the information in this Enrolment Application Form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and given voluntarily.
Please note that lodgement of the Enrolment Application Form does not guarantee enrolment at the college.
All students enrolling need to complete the 2023 Enrolment Application Form, including the Subject Selection and Personal Details pages relevant to the year level they are applying for.Completed 2023 Enrolment Forms.
To meet school and government requirements, you will need to provide the college with a completed Enrolment Application Form.
After commencing attendance in a 4 year old kindergarten program, children who have been assessed as not ready will automatically go to the top of the 3 year old waiting list for the same kindergarten on lodgment of a 3 year old Enrolment Application Form and the prescribed Application Fee.
All applicants must complete all the details on the ICV Enrolment Application Form and forward it to ICV at the address shown on the form (by email, mail or in person).Applicants who wish to apply for credit transfer or recognition of prior learning should obtain the relevant application form from ICV’s website, staff or agent.
The completed Enrolment Application Form must be properly completed, signed and returned to the Principal during the Application Interview.
La Salle Catholic College(CRICOS Provider Code:03299G) International Students Enrolment Application Form ENROLMENT APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSAs parents/guardians, I/we apply for the enrolment of my/our son/daughter/ward at La Salle College and submit the following information.
Places will be allocated to eligible children who are on the waiting list in accordance with preferences indicated on the Enrolment Application Form and the Selection Criteria of this policy.If in the event of unforeseen circumstances, a parent/guardian who has been offered a place at their first preferenced kindergarten may chose to be placed on the waiting lists of lower preferenced kindergartens.Places will be allocated if there is no outstanding debt to a Member Kindergarten.