Environmental Targets definition
Examples of Environmental Targets in a sentence
As further information, a summary of Environmental Targets Strategic Plan Progress to Date is attached.
Each of the Environmental Objectives has a range of Environmental Targets which the LAP Policies and Recommendations are aimed towards.
The following Table aggregates the top Environmental Targets that represent the most important issues for the MSFD implementation in the open Mediterranean and the Black Seas; the specific importance of each environmental target is not evaluated, therefore the list from 1 to 3 does not represent priorities.
Environmental Targets Following the adoption of the Environment Act 2021 there is a requirement for the government to set a number of long-term targets, including national targets for fine particulate matter (PM2.5).
Given the recommendation above supporting a status quo budget for 2021, staff are recommending deferral of the final $230,000 in Environmental Targets funding until 2022.
Environmental Targets: A detailed environmental goal, quantified where practicable, that arises from the environmental objectives (goals) and that needs to be scheduled and assigned in order to achieve those objectives.
In FY2022, to accelerate our efforts toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, the Committee discussed the revision of the Environmental Targets 2030 and the application for an SBT (1.5℃ Targets) initiative certification, and submitted proposals and reports to Management Committee.
Backcasting from these targets, we have set targets for reducing GHG emissions in the Environmental Targets 2030 and the sustainability targets in the 2025 Medium-term Plan to work toward achieving these reductions.* Succession of local resources and local culture for the future: This expresses passing on regional resources and cultures to the next generation in addition to local production for local consumption.
During the first term of this agreement, 3M’s Environmental Targets ’05 (ET05) helped to establish the framework for the commitments embodied in the agreement.
It is further understood that this deferral will jeopardize achievement of the Environmental Targets.