Examples of Environmentally sensitive site in a sentence
Environmentally sensitive site exists within the project area at the following location: Station 1010+00 NB to Station 1014+00 NB Rt Do not use these sites for borrow, waste disposal, or for the staging of personnel, equipment and/or supplies.
Environmentally sensitive site design standards (best management practices) are required for all permitted uses, whether by special use permit or otherwise, in the Watershed Protection District.
The following terms are defined in the Massachusetts Wetlands Regulations (310 CMR 10.00): Critical areas, Environmentally sensitive site design, Flood control, Ground water, Illicit discharge, Land uses with higher potential pollutant loads, , Maintenance of a stormwater management system, Stormwater management system, and Surface waters.
Environmentally sensitive site types, the number identified, a brief description, the projected environmental effect and prescribed mitigation measures are provided in Table 5-8.
The following terms are defined in the Massachusetts Wetlands Regulations (310 CMR 10.00): Critical areas, Environmentally sensitive site design, Flood control, Ground water, Illicit discharge, Land uses with higher potential pollutant loads, Maintenance of a stormwater management system, Stormwater management system, and Surface waters.
The following terms are defined in the Massachusetts Wetlands Regulations (310 CMR 10.00): Cold-water fishery, Critical areas, Environmentally sensitive site design, Flood control, Ground water, Illicit discharge, Land uses with higher potential pollutant loads, Low impact development (LID) techniques, Maintenance of a stormwater management system, Redevelopment, Stormwater best management practice, Stormwater management system, and Surface waters.
Environmentally sensitive site exists within the project area at the following location: Station 798+00 RT to Station 798+50 RT as shown in the plan.Do not use these sites for borrow, waste disposal, or for the staging of personnel, equipment and/or supplies.
Environmentally sensitive site location information, for future incorporation into the EnvPP, has been provided to Manitoba Hydro as GIS shape files to ensure correct geo-referencing (Appendix K).
Similar project scope is preferred.o Small footprint;o Assessing whether to reuse or replace existing infrastructure;o Upgrading a functioning facility while maintaining a continuous process;o Environmentally sensitive site in close proximity to riparian areas;o Expandable to meet future demands;o High peaking factors during storm flows;o Sustainable design.
The Impact Management Objectives for this phase of the project relate to:• Identify and demarcate no-go areas and working areas.• Establish Environmentally sensitive site camp and site facilities.• Pre-construction ECO visit.