EP&A Act definition
Examples of EP&A Act in a sentence
The Council has obligations to provide facilities from contribution revenues levied on developers under the provisions of S94 of the EPA Act 1979.
The application has been assessed in accordance with s4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).
Demolition of any part of a building triggers ‘commencement of erection of building’ pursuant of section 4.19 of the EP&A Act 1979.
Building work, demolition or excavation in accordance with the development consent must not be commenced until the developer has appointed a Principal Certifying Authority for the building work in accordance with the provisions of the EP&A Act and its Regulations.
Building work, demolition or excavation in accordance with the development consent must not be commenced until a Construction Certificate for the relevant part of the building work has been issued in accordance with the provisions of the EP&A Act and its Regulations.