Examples of EPC Company in a sentence
The time by which such request may be made, its contents and all associated stipulations, including the completion of the Construction Stage and commencement of the O&M Stage and reallocation of responsibility from the EPC Company to the O&M Company, shall be defined within the Tender Process Documents.
However, if said Experience Provider holds at least 30% of the EPC Company’s Means of Control per Section 5.1.1 [EPC’s Holdings – Experience Provider(s)s Anticipated Holdings of the EPC], then the Experience Provider shall be entitled to undertake the above risks and responsibilities without it or the O&M Company entering into the abovementioned agreement with the EPC Company.
Please provide a summary of the latest grievance mechanism in effect for workers of the Company and EPC Company to raise reasonable workplace concerns.The Project provided a grievance mechanism in effect for workers of the Company and EPC Company to raise reasonable workplace concerns, by arranging to have a procedure to receive complaints from the construction workers as well as a complaints box to serve this purpose.
The EPC Company/ Contractor shall use only the OFF-Grid inverters that are empanelled to the ANERT OEM empanelment.
Asia Real Estate Excellence Award 2018 - the Best EPC Company - Vascon Engineers Ltd.15.
In such event, NTDC agrees to waive any delivery schedule priorities, to the extent reasonable or permitted by law, and, to the extent possible, to make the replacement Product available from the manufacturing facility currently producing such equipment or from inventory.
The objector suggested that Solar EPC companies install rooftop solar at client's premises on lease basis and DISCOM will collect EMI to reimburse to EPC Company with certain service charge.
A fair project contract shall safeguard interests of both parties, i.e. EPC Company / Project Developer and the client in a fair manner.
Further, the company is also Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Company which is in the business of turnkey wind / solar power solutions like wind farm / solar rooftop development, wind power generation and wind turbine installation and maintenance services.The Company has achieved total revenue of Rs. 6,90,05,116/- as against of Rs. 84,27,842/- in the previous year.
The EPC Company/ Contractor shall use only Mono PERC PV modules of capacity 525 Wp or above that are listed in the ALMM list issued by MNRE from time to time.