clinical investigation means any systematic investigation involving one or more human subjects, undertaken to assess the safety or performance of a device;
Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.
Background investigation means the investigation conducted by a licensee or applicant to support the determination of trustworthiness and reliability.
Complaint Investigation means an investigation of any complaint that has been made to a proper authority that is not covered by an abuse investigation.
Remedial investigation means a process to determine the nature and extent of a discharge of a contaminant at a site or a discharge of a contaminant that has migrated or is migrating from the site and the problems presented by a discharge, and may include data collected, site characterization, sampling, monitoring, and the gathering of any other sufficient and relevant information necessary to determine the necessity for remedial action and to support the evaluation of remedial actions if necessary;
Studies means activities needed to prepare project implementation, such as preparatory, mapping, feasibility, evaluation, testing and validation studies, including in the form of software, and any other technical support measure, including prior action to define and develop a project and decide on its financing, such as reconnaissance of the sites concerned and preparation of the financial package;
Acute toxicity means concurrent and delayed adverse effects that result from an acute exposure and occur within any short observation period, which begins when the exposure begins, may extend beyond the exposure period, and usually does not constitute a substantial portion of the life span of the organism.
Clinical means having a significant relationship, whether real or potential, direct or indirect, to the actual rendering or outcome of dental care, the practice of dentistry, or the quality of dental care being rendered to a patient;
Investigational Product means the Study Drug identified above and the control material, as further detailed in the Protocol;
Site investigation means the collection and evaluation of data adequate to determine whether or not discharged contaminants exist at a site or have migrated or are migrating from the site at levels in excess of the applicable remediation standards. A site investigation shall be developed based upon the information collected pursuant to the preliminary assessment;
Investigator means an individual who is:
Infectious Disease means an illness that is capable of being spread from one individual to another.
Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.
Medical examination means the preliminary assessment of a person by an authorized health worker or by a person under the direct supervision of the competent authority, to determine the person’s health status and potential public health risk to others, and may include the scrutiny of health documents, and a physical examination when justified by the circumstances of the individual case;
Invasive species means an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.
Aquatic invasive species means any invasive, prohibited,
Health screening means the use of one or more diagnostic tools to test a person for the presence or precursors of a particular disease.
EXPERIMENTAL OR INVESTIGATIONAL means any healthcare service that has progressed to limited human application, but has not been recognized as proven and effective in clinical medicine. See Experimental or Investigational Services in Section 3 for a more detailed description of the type of healthcare services we consider experimental or investigational.
Wild animal means any mammal, bird, fish, or other creature of a wild nature endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion.
Investigations The Xxxxxxx, when requested by one or a number of employees whom he/she represents, may investigate the basis for any dispute arising under this Agreement and may, at any stage, assist the employee(s) in seeking resolution of such dispute through the grievance procedure provided herein. A staff representative of the Union may substitute in place of the Xxxxxxx at the third step (Agency Head) or sooner if the agency is represented by other than the supervisor or intermediate supervisor. The Union may substitute a Union staff person in place of the Xxxxxxx if the Xxxxxxx is not available.
Testing means that element of inspection that determines the properties or elements, including functional operation of materials, equipment, or their components, by the application of established scientific principles and procedures.
Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.
Biological agent shall mean any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesized toxins) which cause illness and/or death in humans, animals or plants.
Clinical laboratory means a facility for the microbiological, serological, chemical, hematological, radiobioassay, cytological, immunohematological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease or assessment of a medical condition.
Sampling means the distribution of samples to members of the general public in a public place.
Wild animals means those species of the class Mammalia whose